"Gate A"

by EmptyInside 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • EmptyInside

    Gate A was the infamous meeting area of all the teens and young adults at said District Convention when I was young. I'm sure there is still such a meeting place at conventions,but I am not wise to it,since I am no longer a part of that "generation",hahaha.

    But,yes,it was fun,you could be sure to know where your friends were,and especially where your latest crush was going to be. But,for some reason it didn't sit well with the brothers in charge. They had to work through bodies of elders to discourage it,making it some unwritten,unspoken,spiritual offense,only the spiritual weak youths on their way out,would dare go back to Gate A.

    I don't even remember the idiotic reason of what was so wrong to chat with your friends and make new ones during intermission. I guess they were worried we were making plans to meet up for "fornication" or other "worldly" activities.

    But,it's just one of the many examples of what kill-joys they are,really. There used to be large skating parties,it's where my brother met his wife. But,now,no,music bad,large gatherings bad. Some congregations would get together and play football. But,no,football violent and competitive.

    No dances,unless,they are literally square,unless you live in the city,they seem more liberal.

    No wonder the young people are leaving in droves. And I haven't been to a convention since I signed up here. I plan on not attending one ever again. But,I hope there still is a "Gate A" out there somewhere.

  • Iamallcool

    I do remember when I was a teenager, all of the teenagers including me went all the way to the very top of the seats so others will not hear what we were talking about. We were talking about nasty stuff, etc.. One of the teenagers is now an elder.

  • Phizzy

    I remember all that stuff, great fun. I also remember the After the Convention Meet-up, which here in the U.K involved going to a Pub.

    Hordes of YoungDubs would descend on the poor establishment, many of them too young to drink, lots of them not used to drink, and of course there was lots of rowdiness and the odd scuffle.

    One time it got to be more than a scuffle, it developed in to a huge brawling punch up ! LOL

    Of course there were huge repercussions, loads of reproofs, Elders threatened with removal 'coz their kids were involved, Local Needs talks etc etc

    For a couple of years the after-parties were a bit muted, but they soon got big again, Happy Days !

  • sir82

    Three Rivers Stadium?

    Or a different location?

  • EmptyInside

    You guessed it sir,lol. I guess I gave too much away. But,this wasn't drinking and brawling at the pub here,it was only chatting and maybe a little flirting at Gate A.

  • Iamallcool

    what year(s) were you talking about? I do know very few JW folks from Pittsburgh.

  • EmptyInside

    Late 80's early 90's. I don't remember when we stopped having conventions at Three Rivers,but I know by the early 90's we stopped going there.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I knew of things like these but was never invited/included; I hate how much I missed growing up a people pleasing dub.

    Things like what you mentioned still go on, and the high seats are great for goofing off and sleeping during the sessions too.

    BTW: If the JW religion were a band they'd be called Jayhoover and The Kill Joys.

  • cantleave

    As a teen I used to work in the sound dept - I didn't do anything that was at all "social"

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    I didn't do anything that was at all "social"

    C'mon, you were the DJ of the joint! Young sisters should have been lining up in droves for a quickie


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