They looks so old and tired.

by jam 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • d

    I saw some a Jw at a chinse resurtant he said hi and I did not recognize them he aged so much.Well it has been 5 yrs since I have been to the KH.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    one of the local dubs made a pass through our annual boy scout yard sale saturday. i looked right at him and had no idea who he was - I knew he looked familiar, but I thought he was a cousin of the scout master instead of someone I spent a decade sitting behind at the kingdom hall. the kicker is that he lives less than 2 blocks down the street from me.

  • d

    I saw some recently and I could recognize them they aged so much.


    I know I'm getting older. I look at my face every day. I am just trying to be objective about it. It sure does suck when you have been lied to your whole life about reaching a point where you get younger and pet pandas, and train dinosaurs to work in a rock quarry like Fred Flintstone. It also sucks to realize that your life-course is more than likely set, with no escape.

    Here's to a double life!

  • d

    I know some witness as infants and they are now teenagers. I saw on recently last summer work.This young women was a child the last time I saw her. She is now about a teenager. I was like wow time has passed.

  • jam

    This happen two weeks ago at a friend memorial.

    As I walked in I saw friends that I have not seen since high school,

    we are talking about 48 years folks. I guess I look the same, because

    everyone came up and ask do I remerber them. Out of the corner of my

    eye I could see a young lady tring to get my attention across the room.

    I thought to myself, she must be mistaken me for someone else.

    As I was standing in line to get food she came up to me and ask, do you

    know who I,am. I said sorry, no idea. She then told me, I really feel sad.

    You took me to your senior prom. I couldn,t not believe it, she looked so

    young and beautiful. I told her God have been good to you.

    I think people recognized me because I have a big nose and it have gotten

    bigger over the years. LOL

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    I am in my late 50's and I look younger since we faded. The stress, lies, and judgement were killing me. My health had gone so far down holland now I have life back in me. I have been doing things I haven't been doing in years.

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