Love endures all things, huh? I don't think so. I think the boys at Watchtower HQ found a way around that rule. They have learned how to destroy the natural affection of those doing the shunning AND those being shunned.
I don't regret for a moment my decision to leave the JW religion. It was the right thing to do in general and the only way I could continue having respect for God in particular. I'm confident I did the right thing. But the cost is so high. I have lost all family and friends. I know this is hardly a new story on this site; it's been kicked around and analyzed from every direction. But the punishment for doing the right thing is causing me to lose my grip on the God for whom I did the thing in the first place. I find myself so angry and resentful that I sometimes wish my family would come to their senses and seek me out just so I can show them how it feels to be rejected. I have lost all affection for them and I don't want them back. I want to hurt them.
I know how ugly that is. I know it fly's in the face of "be forgiving". God didn't lash out at me when I returned to Him after a fifteen-year debauched hiatus. But I find myself entertaining thoughts of how much it will hurt those people if they ever find out they screwed up, and it puts a little smile on my face.
You're not supposed to feel that way about your own family. It's not normal. It's also probably not very Christian but there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it.