Hello everyone. Sorry I have not check in the last 3 months my computer was broke. And my wife and I have been very busy with the new business. It has been 1 year today we landed in our new home here in wilds of PA. Our 22 year old cat is now 23 years old and somedays it acts like it's going to out live us. Many things have happen to us in the last year. Meeting new friends, not talking to any JW's, not going to any meetings (we didn't even know when the memorial was this year. To busy with work.) Slowly getting out of the cults way of thinking. Opening our minds to new things and ideas. Growing a beard then shaving if off because my wife did not like kissing me. (It was grey anyway and it made me look 10 years older) I still have not cut my hair in the last year. I going to see what I look like with long hair. Still have not had one JW knock on our door or any calls from local elders wanting to know whats going on. Our so called friends from were we came from called once in the last year. Know what they say "out of sight out of mind".
With spring coming we see our business growing. And for the first time in my life I will be able to work on my vegetable garden without worrying about goind out in field service and meetings. My wife and I may even be able to go garage selling. It's funny when I frist came on this site I had to be on it many times a day. It was like a life line. Now not being on it for many months and only hearing what my wife had to say about it I find myself not needing it so much. Like I am standing on my own two feet now. Most of our new friends know we are Ex. JW's. Both Reopened Mind and I make sure they know it is a cult and how hard it is to get out of it and the consequences we may face in the future. This is now to say I need my fix once in a while. It just I don't need it as much. Starting a new year up here I look forward to the new challenges and new things that will come our way.
I know my world is not perfect but I am no longer controlled by the thinking of the cult. Which now allows my authentic personality to come out. Which I have learned is not so bad. I think I am more loving and forgiving than before. More tolerant of people and empathetic to their needs. Also I have learned there are some people you just stay away from. To many problems. My hope is for all of you that is still sitting on the fence not knowing what to do. Think hard about what it will take for you to get out of this cult. Life is to short. And yes this is all the life we have. So make the most of it. You never know what the future has in store for you. I say this because a 32 year old grandson of a person who works for us two week ago got a new job after being unemployed for many months. They had him go the local hosptial for blood work. The needle they used was infected with staph. In two days he went septic and died. Leaving behind a 10 month old son. This hit us very hard. Showing now is the time to do the most you can with the life you have. Again I thank all of you for all the support you have given my wife and I over the years. Until next time. Totally ADD P.S. For those who wonder why I did not use my wife's computer. I am not allowed to touch it. LOL