Christian Apologists - Please Watch This and Tell Us Why it is wrong?

by cantleave 834 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious
    Why, because the human mind is capable of reasoning that there is a god?

    When speaking of an all knowning God grammatically you should use a capital G. The fact that you don't is telling. But, yes in part the reasoning is that we can imagine a God therefore there is a God, but it goes beyond that.


  • sabastious
    So in the analogy, faith without evidence is a bit like santa clause?

    It's exactly like Santa Clause, especially since Santa Clause is tied to a real person and it all revolves around the spirit of giving.


  • cantleave

    I NEVER CAPTALISE gOD. It is myth that doesn't deserve it!!!!

  • sabastious
    The problem is that you dont want to spend the time understanding the relevant physics, so you try to shift that around and use it as a general slander against science in general. I suggest you stop framing your own lazyness as evidence for your baseless attacks.

    I don't speak against the scientific method, I speak against the people who seem to worship it and don't even follow it completely. They use it to warp truth and amass power and wealth. Sound familar?


  • poopsiecakes

    When speaking of an all knowning God grammatically you should use a capital G. The fact that you don't is telling. But, yes in part the reasoning is that we can imagine a God therefore there is a God, but it goes beyond that.

    And grammatically, Santa Claus doesn't have an 'e' on the end - it's not a legal addendum. Potato potahto. Is this really where you want the conversation to go?

  • bohm

    Bohm: Anybody with enough time can read up on the relevant physics for himself and see why the sun is drawn the way it is; all the details are right there in books and journals full of endless calculations, measurements and simulations to figure out why the sun actually work.

    Sab: Ah, so you need a free country who doesn't burn books and an education to understand the wonders of science, I see. That's inherently where the discrimination occurs. You end up with the informed and the non informed which leads to classes and conflict. You might as well be starting a gang.

    Are you drinking or something? That people in some countries burn scientifc books hardly impair your ability to educate yourself because you do not live in such a country. The only thing stopping you is that you are to lazy to read the relevant litterature; i dont blame you there, but that you use that as an argument that science is corrupt (why? by trying to educate people on stellar fusion? oh the humanity!) is clearly very silly.

    And now we have the book-burning countries. so the power which make scientists corrupt is that in some countries scientific knowledge is suppressed. Oh you sure avoided all logic traps with that gem of an argument!

  • NewChapter

    When speaking of an all knowning God grammatically you should use a capital G

    Nope--ask the writer. It is absolutely, grammatically correct to write:

    "reasoning that there is a god."

    The indefininte article (a) indicates that this is one of a larger number gods.

    Lower case 'g' would also be proper when using a definite article, as in pointing out a specific god.

    The god of the Israelites condoned genocide.

    Now, if you were to use the term god as a proper name, then it would be proper to capitalize it.

    God approved of rapists buying their victims from their fathers.

    But watch how we can mix such:

    God is a god that demands adulterers be stoned.

    I'm happy I could clear that up for you.


  • sabastious
    And grammatically, Santa Claus doesn't have an 'e' on the end - it's not a legal adendum. Potato potahto. Is this really where you want the conversation to go?

    Ah, so you pride yourself on your grammar as I suspected. I was pointing out that as someone who knows grammar well neglected to use it with the word God. I just find that interesting.


  • poopsiecakes

    see Chappy's response above

  • NewChapter

    so you need a free country who doesn't burn books


    We were gonna burn some books at the poacher's meeting, right after eating roasted baby. Do you have any to donate to the cause? KJV Bibles burn much better than NWT, and we are all tired of seeing Watchtowers go up in flames, so if you have something fresh to offer, that would be great.


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