"To them that was the best explanation possible and they even threw in some morality to boot. You paint them like morally loose cannons that had no idea what they were doing because they didn't have the coveted scientific method ..." Sad, above
Let's see....
"gawd" allegedly drowned an entire world, millions of innocent babies and animals, because HE f*cked up by placing a "tree of Knowledge" in the "Garden of Eden" and then taunted Adam & Eve with it...
Abraham willingly went along with committing human sacrifice by preparing to sacrifice his own son...
Lot had children by his own two daughters....
Moses made a bronze serpent on a pole for the Israelites to "worship".... "cough"... "View" so they could be "cured"...
Joshua ordered the brutal deaths of thousands of non-Israelites...
King David committed adultery and murder, yet is still considered "righteous" by both Old and New Testament scriptures and standards...
King Solomon had multiple foreign wives, yet as long as he kept worshipping "jehoover", "jehoover" was O-K with that...
The entire book of "Esther" is actually the Babylonian "ISHTAR" co-opted into Hebrew mythology...
Aaaaaand I could keep going, but I've got other stuff to do.