A question about a birthday party for my daughter.

by garyneal 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • garyneal

    I was wondering if anybody might know of a good place to have a birthday party for a 6 year old? I reserved a shelter at a nature park with a playground but the ten day forecast is calling for scattered thunderstorms in the area. I was thinking of trying a restaurant as a backup, maybe McDonald's. Whereever it is, I was it to be as cheap as possible. Any suggestions?

  • mummatron

    For my kids' birthdays we tend to to organise meet-ups at a soft-play centre with some of our friends and their kids, then after a couple of hours play we head back home for tea & birthday cake. It's a lot cheaper than hiring a party room at a softplay centre and the food is better!

  • blondie

    I would google "best places for child's birthday party" "your area" and see what pops up.

  • Ding

    Chuck E. Cheese

  • garyneal

    There is a golf in games place my daughter likes. It may be suitable. I did the Google search (thanks). What is a soft play centre?

  • garyneal

    Ding, I did that two years ago but it may be another backup. Not official party though but more a meet up.

  • mummatron

    Is 'softplay' an exclusively British term I was unaware of? Didn't realise...

    They're those indoor playgrounds that are usually set up in a warehouse-sized building with ball-pits, slides and padded & netted climbing structures that are several storeys high. The kind of place you can just let 'em run around and be free.

  • garyneal

    Darn, that would be perfect, mummatron. I am not sure if we even have one of those around here.

  • Diest

    Gary we have them in the US one in my area called Monkey Business. Just google indoor play centers or indoor playgrounds.

  • Ding

    If you tell the Chuck E.'s people it's a birthday party, they'll help you plan it out, have Chuck E. stop by the tables, etc.

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