! ! ! Going BONKERS ! ! !

by irondork 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • irondork

    I'm usually clothed, fed, and out the door to work before my roommate even comes out of her room in the morning. She informed me after work yesterday that she opened the cereal cabinet and found the milk carton sitting there.

    "Ooops!", says I.

    She just laughed it off. What can you do? I reminded her at least it wasn't as bad as the time she opened the refrigerator and found my work boots.

    Is it stress or senility? I'm 45 years old. I was really hoping I had a few more years before I had to start worrying about stuff like this. Tell me I'm not the only one going BONKERS!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    It seems like about half the time that the microwave beeps that it's done, I open.... the refrigerator.

    It's not "bonkers", it's "free entertainment".

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Try foretting your junk in her trunk and see her reaction.

    Think About It

  • NewChapter

    I left my purse in the fridge once. Looked everwhere for that thing.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I have yet to put shoes in the fridge...but there is a first time for everything...LOL

    I also do things like that...I put the coffee in the fridge...and the milk in the cupboard. Switched things off, then checked later and can't remember doing it.

    I think sometimes we go into auto pilot mode..a bit like when you are driving a tune out a bit. But when you are in auto pilot you aren't looking at what you have in your hand...just putting things away.

    I mostly get like that when I am tired or have a lot on my mind.

    Or....I might be getting an age related disease...I just turned 45...LOL

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    A friend of mine put her car keys in my fridge whenever she comes to visit...so she will remember where they are....

    Why she can't just put them in her handbag I will never know...LOL

    ***she is also 46...I am starting to see a pattern developing here............... ...fridges are the root of all evil***

  • NewChapter

    My mother was driving home from work one day, when her car tilted to the left. It scared her so she called my dad to come and get her. He didn't see the tilt and told her so. Well of course, this just made her angry because it was so obvious. So he got the car home, and obediently began combing through it to see what the problem was. He found it between the seat and the door. He walked in and handed her the lens to her glasses. It had popped out. It wasn't boots in the fridge, but we kids happily offered up dementia as a possible cause.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Once my sister and I were going on a weekend trip with our mother. She had to make a stop and we were waiting in the parking lot in front of the building. In the same lot there was a small bus w passengers getting on and off. Our mother came out of the building and headed towards the bus. When we called her she waved and got on the bus!

    We died laughing. She finally made her way to our car and denied that she had gotten on the bus. We definitely thought it was an early senior moment.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I think it's a classic example of.............what were we talking about?

  • irondork

    HYSTERICAL! I feel better already.


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