I'm hoping to produce a NEW New World Translation of the Bible and if you have any ideas I would appreciate your contributions. The format is thus:-
1. The book, chapter and verse.
2. The King James Version (Authorised Version) of the above in full. Any added words to aid understanding to be put in brackets.
3. The NWT version of the above in full (optional).
4. The NEW NWT version. This should preferably be written to better conform to Watchtower doctrine, but hey, its up to you!
For instance
1. Matthew 11v28
2. (Jesus said) "Come unto me, all ye who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest".
3. -
4. (Jesus said) "Come unto my organisation, all ye who labour and are heavy laden and you will get rest."
Perhaps you have heard of a version which was called the "Naughty Bible" because they had accidently left out "not" in Exodus 20 v14.