Oh and I will say this, from personal experience (been inactive for a couple years now). I moved to a new location and my old cong elders found out through family, so they had contacted me to let me know they would be xferring my pub cards over to the cong at my new location. After they arrived I got a call, thanks to my blabber mouthed mother, setting up a shepherding call. I wouldn't have agreed to it, but I am at the point of screwing with their heads now.
So I accepted, had them over and played along with their "encouragement". They were there only 30 minutes because I didn't answer any of they're probing questions, just general ones. They left saying they hope to see me at the upcoming Sunday meeting. I said, okay, see ya!"
That sunday came and went, I didn't go, I get a nasty text on Monday saying that the demunz are going to get me. I didn't respond, and I haven't talked to them since.
If that's enough to identify me, I don't give a sht anymore, I'm done with the silly cult. If my folks want to shun me, no problem, it's there loss. Not mine.