The Society is to be commended...

by cedars 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    Well, we spend enough time on this forum criticizing the Society don't we? I think we should even this out by commending them whenever they get something right.

    For example, the cover of the 2012 Yearbook is a VAST improvement on the year before!

    Here's the latest yearbook cover...

    2012 yearbook cover

    Smiling people nervously making their way through the jungle, about to be pounced on by a pack of hungry hyenas / missionaries being trained in one of the last ever Gilead schools / people smiling outside a convention with their new bibles. It ain't bad!

    Compare that with the weird illustrations that graced the cover of the 2011 yearbook.

    I mean, what were they thinking?!

    2011 yearbook 1

    Graphics guy: So Ed, what pictures do you want on our 2011 yearbook cover? We're doing Papua New Guinea this year...

    Editor: Yes of course. Do you have any pictures of older sisters smiling unnervingly?

    Graphics guy: I have one in mind, but she ain't easy on the eye.

    Editor: That should do. Put it against a backdrop with a palm tree, that will relax people and distract them from the sister.

    Graphics guy: Done. Anything else?

    Editor: I don't suppose we have any pictures of random guys carrying blackboards on their backs through jungles?

    Graphics guy: I don't think so, but I can take a look. We may have something in the polaroid file.

    Editor: That's great. If the guy with the blackboard's wearing a silly hat, even better!

    2011 yb

    Graphics guy: Okay Ed, so that's Papua New Guinea fittingly represented. What about Estonia?

    Editor: Estonia... hm. We need to think poor and impoverished, but still positive. Do we have any pictures of smiling peasant women?

    Graphics guy: Yes, we have one sister mentioned in the article...

    Editor: Brilliant, use that.

    Graphics guy: The only problem is, this is supposed to be a 2011 yearbook, and the picture was taken back in the 1940s.

    Editor: That doesn't matter. In fact, have you got any other old images that aren't remotely related to the modern day?

    Graphics guy: Well we have a picture of a truck with some boxes and men in uniform, but it doesn't seem to have much to do with....

    Editor: Excellent! I love trucks, and, er, men in uniform. Use it!

    Graphics guy: Er, okay?! So there's a bit of space for one more photo...

    Editor: What the heck, just use a picture of some random couple serving in Estonia, that should do the trick.

    Graphics guy: Your wish is my command!


    I'm probably being unkind, but I have an artistic background (and an awareness of what year it is), and I just can't understand the thought process that led to some of those images being used.

    So let's commend the Society for this improvement! Will you join me?


  • Phizzy

    Yes , credit where it is due, the 2012 Cover does not scream "looney CULT !".

    It just whispers it, an improvement. I guess it is impossible to make JW's actually look normal, so 2012 is probably as good as it gets !

  • Fernando

    Tried as hard as I could, but only one word came to mind: window-dressing...

  • gubberningbody

    That's about what I imagine. Not even in jest.

  • nugget

    Yes an improvement but then it wasn't hard they set the benchmark very low the previous year.

  • Kojack57

    Cedars: I'm disappointed. Where Are the 4,5,6, year olds getting baptized to the watchtower CULT. No pictures shucks

  • Londo111

    That was hilarious.

    Artistically--the dramas are far, far worse. Obviously a product of a committee with no background in writing plot or dialog. And the modern storylines show no conception of the real world.

  • 00DAD

    Cedars, you've definitely gone 'round the bend!!! ... lol

    How can you stand to still go to meetings? Your anger is showing!!!

    You're safe here venting among friends but others must be able to pick up on it.


  • steve2

    cedars - wonderfully astute comments. It's usually more postive to see someone smiling than frowning. But honestly some smiles, like alcohol, are best strictly measured and and taken in moderation.

  • cedars

    Come one guys, I can let my hair down once in a while, surely?!


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