i've been doing a lot of anti witnessing at work and I wondered if anyone has gone door to door and pretended they witnessed to the house holder but secretly inserted a message in the watchtower that said something like I'm trapped in a cult and have been forced to go door to door so that I can remain in good standing and keep from being shunned by my family. HELP I'm in a CULT never listen to me or anyone else that comes to your door in a suit!
Anti witnessing
by thecrushed 10 Replies latest jw friends
forced to go door to door
Nobody is forced, (except kids). Just stop. No explanations needed to anyone.
Yes you may be shunned, but you never know until you stop.
ok cohersed to go door to door. I just wondered if someone has done it. I haven't personally. Several people have been DF'd in my family and they have honored the evil WT doctrine. If I leave the next time I will see my father will be at his funeral and I might just lose my wife via the spiritual endangerment card in which case I'll have to purposely cheat on her to release her from the bondage of our marriage and forced celbacy.
I'm very sorry to hear that Crushed. Don't lose hope; it takes time. It took time with my wife and my mother. My wife has coome to her senses and my mother is coming around. Be subtle, be loving, and above all be righteous.
But, to answer your question: I have. I do anit-witnessing all the time. I did a lot at college. I let everyone who was interested, mostly people from the MSA ( Mulsim Student Association) and Christian clubs what the religion was all about. About the faults, fallacies, false prophecies, hubris, and cult-like actions.
Also, last year, during the memorial campaign I wrote notes in pen at the corner of the invitations. Either warnings or links to websites. My favorite website recommendation was JWfacts.com. So, thorough and so informative.
unfortunately, nowadays...NEGLECTING the FIELD MINISTRY can be viewed as an ACT of APOSTASY (to those who may not know of this yet due to being out for so long)... so I'd say FORCED to go DOOR to DOOR is a good fit.
You don't HAVE to pay taxes in the US but ...you're kind of "FORCED" to, right?
It all depends on your attitude. Yeah if you go in saying "FS sucks, FS is a waste of time" your gonna get on their radar real quick.
I see a lot of people coming on the board here trying to get out and they are giving the WTS and the local elders way too much power and way too much authority.
If you want to leave and possibly keep your family (not your so-called JW friends) then walk out the door, make up your excuses (busy, depressed) stick to it and SHUT YOUR MOUTH. There is only one tiny loophole to escape the JWs without losing absolutely everything. If you choose to use this loophole, you have to execute it properly. Not talking and not granting interviews will take you a long way if you choose this method.
I'm afraid the more I try and subtly sow seeds of doubt she looks at me and says honey I don't like where your going with this. She shuts her mind off before I get anywhere and one of these days she might turn me in.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I wouldn't bother putting a message in a magazine. Infrequent activity consisting of a few far-flung RVs or not-at-homes kept me off the radar until I was ready to just turn in a slip for 1 hour/mo and never actually go out with the group.
My suggestion would be that instead of having to take an anti-anything view, look for pro-something with your life. Instead of putting effort toward watchtowerdisestablishmentarianism, put effort toward your career, your marriage, your family. Start building toward the life you want to have. It is a complex task, particularly if you want to keep your marriage and not be DFd (at least not until much later when you don't give a sh!t anyway).
I'm afraid the more I try and subtly sow seeds of doubt she looks at me and says honey I don't like where your going with this. She shuts her mind off before I get anywhere and one of these days she might turn me in.
Chances are that you don't even need to sow seeds of doubt. It's sounded to me like she already has her own doubts that she's trying to ignore. Instead, you need to set the example that although you have serious doubts, you are not turning into a raving mad, fornicating, apostademon. And rather than focusing so much effort on your wife, focus on yourself first.
I couldn't agree more with Billy's last paragraph. Think of Paul's advise to woman married to unbelieving husbands: "Win them without a word"- or something like that. You have to show them how much better off you are. Show your family how 'good' you are or can be. Even though it won't be by their standards it's hard not to notice. If you are a believing man, pray more, study more, get involved in charity which is "sacred service to God", be kind to your wife. If you are not a beliveing man the latter three should apply either way. Above all, do it for yourself. Embettering yourself in such ways is not only good for you but good for your family.
My teenage son who is still in says I'm nicer now since I was disfellowshipped and am no longer a JW!
His mother, who is still in, is a control freak and driving him crazy.
To emphasize these point, I gently observed that he used to be much nicer before he got baptized.
I also explained that he shouldn't be too harsh on his mother. She is only doing what and being who she has been taught to be all her life.
Do anyone else notice a pattern here?