This keeps on getting better. Now you are making a unilateral and completely disconnected decision that intelligent conversation is impossible with me. Too late. I called you out on that first. The petulance is all yours, and now you are in the "I know you are, but what am I?" phase. Of course I'm interested in dialogue ('dialgue' according to you). I just would like it with some actual merit than on your credentials alone. That's all I hear out of you. But hey, I must be making some progress because in your last posting I hardly heard any reference to your education. But you still spout out references to random subjects. Do you need to do this to convince yourself that you are intelligent? This isn't a classroom and you are not the professor, but you act like you are. That's the reason why it's so difficult to get through any of your sentences without feeling that there is someone behind it with serious insecurities. Wow, you are so smart. Lemon/Agostini... Helm, McCreary, or Van Orden. And I must be so dumb because I didn't mention them. Oh and let's not forget Helm v. Freedom From Religion. This is completely lame 'gotcha' pseudo-logic. ($20 says you needed to google 'pseudo-logic') My, I am so impressed. It's just a shame that you obviously need to take a community college refresher course in spelling and Writing 101. Otherwise you might even be readable. As much as you claim I am not interested in dialogue (or 'dialgue', which one is it?), I am absolutely convinced you are not interested in it at all. You seek to be some sort of wise counsel on this forum, and are not used to people questioning you. I do question it because you write at a high school level, with argumentation skills straight out of the Watchtower.
Will the IRS Investigate the Watchtower Society?
by ABibleStudent 44 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Band on the Run - A Bible Student - I merely wanted to let you know the legal and political realities of tax exemption. I agree that religion and government often combine with political ends. Certainly this has been the ongoing case with the Pope and Roman Catholic Church. I'm watching the Borgias on SHO with Jeremy Irons as the Borgia pope. Rick Santorum's candidacy emphasizes this trend.
Hi Band on the Run, How would you rate the writing, directing, and acting of the Borgias? As a kid I loved to read all kinds of history. I remember that the Borgas were beyond bad almost approaching evil.
Band on the Run and Sic Semper Tyrannis you both have raised valid points. I won't say which points were valid because in my opinion you both may be past the point of agreeing to disagree with each other or to write about something that you both can agree with.
I wish that I could write something that would make you both feel appreciated and valued.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Band on the Run
RE: The Borgias on SHO. My review would have to state that I am a glutton for historical fiction. The Borgias always fascinated me. I suspect that SHO has fictionalized their series to increase ratings. I love seeing the politcal intrigue and European history. I've never seen the hypocrisy between church teachings and church administration so emphasized. I don't know if it would work without the power of Jeremy Irons. He reminds me of Peter O'Toole when he played Lawrence of Arabia and King Henry in Beckett. The other actors are not so powerful. I enjoy it but it is not TV at its finest.
Sometimes, though, it is just fun to watch action packed historical dramas. Part of me is tempted to read a true biography. The venality cannot be underestimated. There is absolutely no separation of church and state. Borgia is seen as a powerful king more than a spiritual leader. The public knew all the rumors at the time.
Netflix had a cheaper European production miniseries of the Borgias. It was bad but I sat through all the episodes. Go figure. Jeremy Irons is worth whatever they are paying him.
Band on the Run - Netflix had a cheaper European production miniseries of the Borgias. It was bad but I sat through all the episodes. Go figure. Jeremy Irons is worth whatever they are paying him.
Hi Band on the Run, I know what you mean about watching poorly made movies on T.V. I do it sometimes myself. I sometimes wonder if I do it because it is late and I am bored, or that my brain just needs to watch something mindless so that my subconcious can work on some issue that is bugging me.
From what I have read about the Borgias, SHO would not have to fictionalize it very much. Members of that family did some pretty unbelievable and horrific things in their pursuit of power over their perceived enemies.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Band on the Run
I've always read bad stuff about the BOrgias. The name was synonymous with evil since my childhood. It wasn't only the Borgia family, however. Their large scale bad acts required a more than willing curia. Poisoning was common among the cardinals. Children were appointed cardinals. The powerful Roman, Florentine, Milanese and other Italian cities nobility participated. The corruption was rank. The Borgias were evidently not atypical for their times. I am intrigued by how a Spanish family came to power in Rome.
It is so violence and the torture scenes pretty graphic that I wonder why I watch it.
One of my favorite films was Borat. I can't believe I paid $ for that one. Yet I laughed so hard.
Band on the Run
P.S. I have authored several law review articles. Indeed, I served on a competitive law journal in school. Twenty large firms sought me out to be an associate. Times were different then. The money was very easy. My former firm is making headlines in the New York Times and the Economist this week. Look up Dewey, LeBoeuf. I will take the collective will of large firms over your analysis of my skills.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Hmm... Dewey, LeBoeuf. I think I will look that up, thanks. Let's see... A global law firm headquartered in NY. Very impressive. I used to work there too once I got out of Harvard Law. Then I started clerking for Sonia Sotomayor. See Ricci v. DeStafano. Yup, that was me. The President's office and say... like 20 large law firms also sought me out. Man, I was the shit back then. I'm also a proven expert in Paraguayan and Tanzanian Constitutional law. (See Lopez v. Garcia and Kikwete v. Fruit Collective of Tanzania LLC). I'd love to have a debate with you on those subjects. You know, because I'm so smart and all. Did I forget to mention that I graduated from Harvard? Oh wait, the phone's ringing. Damn that Andrew Cuomo. He's always bugging me to accept a job on his staff. But where was I? Yeah, my resume is pretty impressive. Don't believe me? Well here's proof... go to Also see Oh well, back to fending off calls from these pesky elite law firms. Associate? Yeah right.. I don't need that shit when I can be Professor Emeritus here on JWN.
Band on the Run
No, I did not go to Harvard or Yale. I graduated magna cum laude with Distinction in Political Science from Columbia in New York.
My final post. I need not suffer utter fools.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who thinks they are not a fool? Think about it. If you didn't get the mockery, then you will never know how stupid and ill-informed on this forum you sound. You will never be respected as a legal scholar here, at least not until you brush up on these writing skills and present better arguments. Hey, Poli-Sci eh? That MUST be the reason you are the reigning expert in all these subjects.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
And to think that I will lose your valued insight on Hein v. Freedom From Religion. I was SO looking forward to that.