My JW son just turned 18 and is about to graduate high school. His grandfather (my dad), who has never been a JW, wants to encourage him to go to college and doesn't understand why his grandson isn't interested.
BTW, my father graduated from Harvard with a BS in Physics, has a Master's Degree and is also a successful businessman. I have a B.A. in education and am a High School teacher. So obviously education is important in our family.
I tried explaining to my dad:
Realistically, the odds of [your grandson] going to college as long as he remains one of Jehovah's Witnesses are between slim and none as they are indoctrinated to believe that pursing higher education is wrong and evil (I'm not making this up!)
Here is a quote from a 3/6/2012 letter from the leadership of the organization to the local congregations:
"However, Satan, the master of deception, has made the pursuit of higher education dangerous for a Christian. (2 Cor. 11:14)"
What do you think my father thinks of JWs now?