I've always thought it was nonsense that from the time Twelve Apostles died (Paul was not one) to the late 1800s, Jehovah had no organization. Without the org, Christianity was only magically revealed in the late 1800s by a pastor who worshipped pyramids. Most of what he believed about pyramids themselves, devoid of prophecy, was completely untrue. Why would not Jesus give him accurate info about pyramids.
I believe the WTBTs has never given us a specific date when Christianity completely disappeared from the earth. The Bible was not canonized until Constantine converted. So the life span of an apostle in the first century to Russell is close to two thousand years. Are we to believe that God or Jesus had no interactions with earth during this period. They cite Tyndale and a few others who were punished as heretics. Yet Tyndale and others NEVER believed in the WTBTS. Tyndale was a Protestant, not a Jehovah's Witness.
So there is no bridge between maybe 60 or 70 C.E. and Russell's arrival. I remain curious as to when exactly did Russell establish God's org. Were his early theories sufficient? They are very vague about dates. When it comes to Russell, his life is well documented.
Was Miller a JW? Barbour? Also, why would Jesus return to earth invisibly? What is Jesus doing that we can't see him? I never sensed an invisible presence during my life as a Jehovah's Witness. When Jesus was born, wise men came and celebrated his birth. Angels appeared to poor shepherds to announce the shattering news. Why is Jesus so covert now? One would think he was James Bond.