Oral Review Answers

by youngbro 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cantleave

    Back in the day it was tougher - when the school overseer marked your papers, the witlesses really had to think. I did a number of "Oral" reviews before exiting, they were just an opportunity to write my service meeting assignments.

  • Honesty

    When did the cult drop the "Written Review" in favor of the "Oral Review?"

  • QueenWitch

    I had forgot about the written review. It was every 3 months, right? Ugh. I can't imagine doing that now.

  • LostGeneration

    *LG Clears throat*

    Mimicks Butthead voice: "He said oral review"


  • talesin

    LMAO!~ I didn't even know they DID reviews,, not in my 'day'. OY, I am old.

  • AnonJW

    1. Why is the Bible book of Jeremiah beneficial

    for us? [

    Mar. 5, si p. 129 par. 36]

    It shows us

    that Jeremiah was fearless in proclaiming

    an unpopular message to a godless

    people, that he spurned fellowship with

    the wicked, and that he appreciated the

    urgency of Jehovah’s message. It also

    shows how Jeremiah gave of himself to

    Jehovah’s work wholeheartedly, never

    quitting. He found God’s word to be like

    a fire in his bones, and it was the exultation

    and rejoicing of his heart.

    ( Jer.

    15:16, 17; 20:8, 9


    2. How might Jehovah deliver us from persecution

    today? (Jer. 1:8) [

    Mar. 5, w05


    p. 23 par. 18]

    Jehovah might raise up a

    fair-minded judge like Gamaliel, or he

    may see to it that a corrupt or antagonistic

    official is unexpectedly replaced by a

    more reasonable one. At times, though,

    Jehovah may permit the persecution of

    his people to run its course.

    ( 2 Tim. 3:12 )

    3. When and how did the anointed return

    to “the roadways of long ago”? (Jer. 6:16)


    Mar. 12, w05 11/1 p. 24 par. 12]


    late in the 19th century, Christ’s anointed

    followers have applied the counsel

    of Jeremiah 6:16 to themselves and have

    led the way in a wholehearted return

    to “the roadways of long ago.” To this

    day, the anointed help one another as

    well as their “other sheep” companions to

    pursue the healthful, happy way of life

    that Christendom has abandoned.

    ( John



    4. Why can it be said that there is “balsam in

    Gilead” today? (Jer. 8:22) [

    Mar. 19, w10


    p. 22 par. 3–p. 23 par. 4]

    In many ways,

    today’s world is full of “wounds and

    bruises and fresh stripes.”

    ( Isa. 1:6 ) People

    are suffering from poverty, injustice,

    selfishness, and a lack of love. But the

    comfort and hope provided by the good

    news of the Kingdom is able to bind up

    broken hearts. The time is fast approaching

    when Jehovah God will bring about





    New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures [ bi12 ],



    [ w ], Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 2 [ it- 2],

    “All Scripture Is Inspired

    of God and Beneficial”

    (1990 Edition) [ si ], and

    God’s Word for Us Through Jeremiah




    INSTRUCTIONS: Each one should have the questions for the review as set out in

    Our Kingdom Ministry. The review should focus attention on the value of the material

    considered in the Theocratic Ministry School during the preceding two months. The school

    overseer may ask auxiliary questions, as time permits, in order to clarify main points, to

    highlight the reasons for the answers, or to elicit comments on how the material can be

    applied. It is not always practical for the answer sheet to contain all possible answers; so

    any answer that the audience gives that is appropriate and in harmony with our present

    understanding is acceptable, even if the point is not found on the answer sheet. Until the

    congregation has taken this review, the answer sheet is not to be made available to the

    congregation to read, but it should be used by the school overseer during the preceding

    weeks as a guide to points that he wants to emphasize for the congregation. It is not

    necessary for the school overseer to read all the answers from the answer sheet if the

    points have already been covered. The review should not exceed 20 minutes.

    NOTE TO SCHOOL OVERSEERS: Please select an approved Watchtower Study reader

    to read from the platform the scriptures cited in or after each question as the question

    appears in Our Kingdom Ministry. Cited texts should usually be read before you ask

    the printed question. In view of the limited time allotted for the review, you may use

    your discretion in determining whether lengthy Scripture citations should be read or be

    summarized briefly.

    The date in brackets represents the week that the material was to be covered.



    “the curing of the nations,” with everlasting

    life in view.

    ( Rev. 22:2 )

    5. In what way does Jehovah “feel regret” after

    pronouncing judgment? (Jer. 18:7, 8)


    Apr. 2, jr p. 151, box]

    God is perfect and

    never errs in judgment, so it is not that he

    feels regret in the way that a human does

    who has completely misjudged a matter.

    Rather, Jehovah feels regret by adjusting

    his dealings, responding to the change of

    heart he observes in a repentant sinner.

    God can show the repentant person the

    loving attention enjoyed by those having

    His approval.

    6. How did Jehovah fool Jeremiah, and what

    lesson can we draw from this? (Jer. 20:7)


    Apr. 2, jr p. 36 par. 8]

    When Jeremiah

    thought that he had reached his limit and

    could not fulfil his God-given assignment,

    Jehovah exercised a persuasive force so

    that Jeremiah was fooled, as it were, so

    that even in the face of apathy, rejection,

    and violence, he was able to continue to

    preach. We learn from this that we must

    trust Jehovah and never stop doing his


    7. In what sense were Israel’s enemies sanctified?

    (Jer. 22:6-9) [

    Apr. 9, it-2

    p. 1166 par. 8]

    When it was necessary to punish unfaithful

    Israel, those foreign armies bringing

    the destruction were viewed as ‘sanctified,’

    in the sense that they were ‘set

    apart’ by Jehovah for the execution of his

    righteous judgments.

    8. Why could Jehovah rightly say to his

    ancient people, “I have drawn you with

    loving-kindness”? (Jer. 31:3) [

    Apr. 23,


    pp. 142-145 pars. 8-11]

    Jehovah protected

    and fed the Israelites while they

    spent 40 years in the wilderness. In the

    Promised Land, God provided judges to

    rescue them from their enemies and to

    bring them back to true worship. Jehovah

    stuck with them through good times

    and bad during all those centuries, and

    even when their actions demanded severe

    punishment, Jehovah held out a positive

    “good word” for those who repented and

    changed their lives.

    ( Jer. 29:10-12 )

    9. How is God’s law written in hearts? (Jer. 31:

    33) [

    Apr. 23, w07 3/15 p. 11 par. 2]

    When a

    person loves God’s law so much that he

    has a fervent desire to do Jehovah’s will,

    it can be said that God’s lawis written in

    his heart.

    10. What was the purpose of making two deeds

    of the same transaction? (Jer. 32:10-15)


    Apr. 30, w07 3/15 p. 11 par. 3]

    The deed

    “left open” was for consultation. The

    “sealed” deed served as a backup to

    verify the accuracy of the open one. Jeremiah

    set an example for us by following

    reasonable legal procedures even when

    he was dealing with a relative and fellow




    If God allows us to be persecuted, he will

    always give us the strength to endure persecution.


    1 Cor. 10:13 )

  • AnonJW

    That didn't really work - sorry!

  • sizemik

    Could be a sign . . .

  • BroMac

    it is called the TMS Review.

    for a few years now, im guessing at 5yrs or so

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