We can hardly get through a week on planet Earth without an encounter with a know-it-all.
This none-too-rare creature is ever ready to volunteer to enlighten us in our apparent ignorance.
The Know-it-all tells us we are wrong (implying they are right) and sets us straight.
And the best part? We don't even have to ask for their help!
We can barely finish a sentence when the know-it-all corrects us!
It is their mission to keep us in our place, remind us of our failings and highlight our ignorance.
Wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends, business associates and political mavens reach out and slap sense into each other.
Each of them KNOWS BETTER than the other!
So much wisdom and so much ignorance living side by side!
What makes these people tick? What is their motive?
Is it benevolence or hubris? Is a personality disorder or empathetic kindess?
Religious people are perhaps the best examples of the worst know-it-alls!
Remember when you and I knocked on stranger's doors and peddled THE TRUTH?
What made us so sure other than our own sense of rightness?
Can we all agree that quoting scriptures and correcting wrong thinking is usually the bad manners of non-skeptical drones lost in their own rightness?
Republicans and Democrats savage each other with personal insults, character attacks and smug superiority aimed at the other guy.
Perhaps you yourself can't let anything pass without jumping in and pounding away at an opinion with which you disagree!
Who empowered your vigilante minset?
Do you really believe you can change the world for the better by making other people think as you do?
The KNOW-IT-ALL: what makes them tick?
Your opinions are requested!