What's wrong with being a nudist?
Being publicly religious is a lot like being a NUDIST
by Terry 50 Replies latest jw experiences
I've been to several nudist resorts-(20 years ago) gets real interesting when a biker gang and their women come in to enjoy the sun- I never knew one woman could service so many men in the swimming pool.
I just think the analogy is appropiate... nudists remove their cloths cuz they dont feel they need them... not because they want attention..
arent you saying that people who pray in public want just that... like exhibitionists?
Well, my actual point was that both nudists and public praying offends "others" just because.
It annoys without harming a soul.
yadda yadda 2
and not forgetting, similar to nudist attention seekers, why do haters of JW's and religion feel compelled to constantly comment on websites like this?
When it comes to nudists (they prefer to be called naturists but what the heck) I am not bothered by people with attractive bodies baring all but the ones with ugly bodies should keep it to themselves.
The same applies to religion. People that have nice beliefs and love everybody are fine. Ugly religious beliefs, like hell-fire and damnation, should be kept to oneself and not aired in public.
Awakened at Gilead
As a card-carrying nudist I disagree that nudism is about exhibitionism. It's about freedom. I practice nudism in appropriate areas, along with other nudists. In the USA we have a puritanical sense about the human body, that it needs to be covered up, unless you're a model/goddess type.
At the nudist resorts I've been to you see it all, from child to elderly, from skinny to obese, from sound to amputees, deformed, and missing breasts. Any mature nudist can take this all in and say it's a celebration of life and the human form, in all its forms. So I don't appreciate the analogy from clothes-minded folks.
At the nudist resorts I've been to you see it all, from child to elderly, from skinny to obese, from sound to amputees, deformed, and missing breasts. Any mature nudist can take this all in and say it's a celebration of life and the human form, in all its forms. So I don't appreciate the analogy from clothes-minded folks.
I'm of the considered opinion we all life in the same world; not each of us in a separate one.
For example, I drive the speed limit on the freeway and must suffer the considerable abuse of a majority who wish to run me off the road if I don't go an extra 25 to 25mph faster. I consider this unsafe and bad manners and the social contract is being violated (not to mention the law.)
In public places I often hear people using very foul language around children and the rest of us. Loud people who are profane and ill mannered don't mind the fact that others did not choose to keep company with them. Surely it would be nothing short of courteous and friendly to restrain themselves---but, nooooo.
Nudists are confined to special areas clearly demarcated for their purposes and can no wise shock or apall the unwary as a result.
But, don't expect me to believe there is simply a desire for "freedom" at play in the Nudist lifestyle. Non-conformists possess a different mindset and psychology which often contains a sense of entitlement to do "as they please", especially if it offends societal sensibility. If there is such a thing as an Exhibitionist (and I know there is) would it be logical to rule out Nudism as an outlet?
What is that old, handy scripture I use to love to quote to the snippy offended? "Do not hurry yourselves to be offended for the taking of offense......"
Oh well, you know the one:)
Jehovah's Witnesses and others of their ilk (yes, there is an ilk!) don't really abide by social norms, do they? Whatever it takes to affirm their "brand" of piety will be done publicly regardless of who it discombobulates or disturbs.
That was my point. No, really.
If there is such a thing as an Exhibitionist (and I know there is) would it be logical to rule out Nudism as an outlet?
I think it would be logical to rule it out. Nudists hang with nudists---people who don't even see them anymore because it's just natural to the setting. Exhibitionists are looking for something different---it wouldn't exactly thrill them do disrobe in front of a bunch of nude people. They'd just be one of the crowd. I think they wish to be looked at----not lost in a sea of flesh. If clothes were found shocking or provacative, an exhibitionist would be the only person in clothes.
ehovah's Witnesses and others of their ilk (yes, there is an ilk!) don't really abide by social norms, do they? Whatever it takes to affirm their "brand" of piety will be done publicly regardless of who it discombobulates or disturbs.
"Do not hurry yourselves to be offended for the taking of offense......"
Peace, tammy