"[We] Have Conquered the World!"
Today, we live in a time unlike any other in human history. The world governments have fallen, and no human authority now prevents Jehovah's anointed ones from beginning their peaceful rule over mankind. What a joyous event! Are you thankful to Jehovah for preserving you through what has no doubt been a 'great tribulation'?--Rev. 7:14.
Christendom's leaders failed to prepare their followers for the challenges ahead. The result? Their lack of political neutrality combined with their violent ways led them to a speedy end. (Rev. 17:4-6; 18:2, 3, 24) Only loyal servants of Jehovah God, those associated with his organization and humbly following the direction of the "faithful and discreet slave" class, had been given foreknowledge of the momentous events that have now occurred. (Matt. 24:45-47) "Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed the matter to his prophets," the Bible says. (Amos. 3:7)
Jesus Christ, in his last night with his faithful apostles, told them: “Take courage! I have conquered the world.” (John 16:33) However, Jesus was not alone in doing so; his faithful anointed followers would prove themselves conquerors by loyally following in his footsteps. (Rev. 17:14) This wicked system of things is no more, and the anointed have successfully run their course to the finish. Thus, as a united, faithful group they can now say, “[we] have conquered the world”!
Recent events, including our preservation through the foretold tribulation, reaffirm that the "faithful slave" has indeed proven worthy of Jehovah's trust--and our own. Yet, many questions remain. What will happen now? In the absence of the "superior authorities", how will civil services be maintained? (Rom. 13:1-7) Do we have anything to fear from potential opposers? Let us see.
A New "Administration"
The apostle Paul evidently foresaw the events we are experiencing today when he wrote of an "administration". (Eph. 1:9, 10) This administration would see the uniting of the earthly and heavenly parts of Jehovah's organizational arrangement. As we learned in advance from the earthly part of Jehovah's organization, it was expected that members of the 144,000 would still be alive on earth when the great tribulation began. (Matt. 25:31-46) This has proven to be the case. Evidently, Jehovah has chosen not to take the anointed remnant to heaven at this time. He has lovingly enabled these experienced, spirit-anointed elders--those on the Governing Body--to continue taking the lead on earth for a time, thus helping to transform human society into one united earthwide organization.
Further, he has enabled them to use the congregation elders as "princes" in the land. (Isa. 32:1, 2) Congregation elders will submit to the direction of the Governing Body and begin overseeing the preparation of new Kingdom Halls and, in time, suitable dwelling places for families who may have been displaced by the destruction. Just as it was with the Jews returning from exile in Babylon, priority must be given to true worship above all personal pursuits and material things. (Ezra 1:3, 4; Hag. 1:2-8) Additionally, elders will serve as "peacekeepers" amongst an already peaceable people--the only peaceable organization left on earth! (Isa. 2:1-4) Are we not thankful for this administration, through which divine blessings can now flow unrestricted?
Elders will prove to be a blessing in providing comfort to those who may perhaps have been deeply affected by the destruction many have witnessed in their areas. Some who were weaker in faith might be deeply disturbed by so much loss of life. They may in the past have failed to develop a proper understanding of Jehovah's perfect justice. (Deut. 32:4) Lovingly, elders will provide the spiritual help such ones need to align their thinking more properly with God's will and purposes. (Gal. 6:1)
The elders will also help to readjust individuals who perhaps err in some way, knowing that "we all stumble many times." (Jas. 3:2) They will thus ensure that obedience to God's law--as the only law now remaining on earth--is properly maintained. However, what if some refuse to submit to godly direction or begin challenging Jehovah's authority by questioning the decisions of the elders or of the Governing Body? Then, the elders, now operating under Jehovah's directed and unhindered authority, may take swift and decisive action to remove wrongdoers from our midst. (1 Cor. 5:12, 13; 3 John 9, 10) How will this be done?
Jesus himself once said: "Every tree not producing fine fruit gets cut down and thrown into the fire." (Matt. 7:19; 13:40-42) In this way, we receive clear direction for how to dispose of wicked ones in our midst--by cutting them down and throwing their remains into the fire. The tree, in this case, would be killed as a result of being cut down, such as with an ax; without its roots, it would no longer be able to continue living. In a similar way, those who lose their lives as a result of producing rotten fruit before Jehovah will, like wicked, murderous Cain, be cast away from before Jehovah, the Source of life. (Gen. 4:11-14) Their lives will end due to their own disobedience. (Ezek. 18:20)
The elders, operating under the direction of holy spirit, will be justified in taking such action to protect the spirit of the congregation. (1 Cor. 5:5) They will then burn the remains of those unrepentant ones as both a health precaution and a visible reminder to those who may be tempted to engage in similar rebellion. They will thus see that, while Jehovah is merciful, "our God is also a consuming fire" to those who willfully ignore his requirements.--Heb. 12:29.
Family members may worry that their wayward ones--such as their rebellious youths who have succumbed to the spirit of the world--might lose their lives as a result of such necessary judicial actions. However, such ones should remember the example of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. Some members of their families also became apostates and sided against Jehovah's anointed spokesman, Moses. As a result, 250 rebels--including "all humankind that belonged to Korah"--were executed by Jehovah himself. How sad it would be if we allowed loyalty to a family member to make us disloyal to God! (Num. 16:23-33) Jehovah will act similarly towards us today if we are misled by "the rebellious talk of Korah"! (Jude 11)
Jehovah has been patient with mankind long enough. We must humbly recognize that his patience, bought for us with his Son's precious blood, has run out. Further disobedience by sinful humans will no longer be tolerated. (Heb. 10:26-31) We are truly grateful that Jehovah's righteous standards protect us from a fate like that of Korah and we no doubt remain eager to humbly obey his word.
Freedom Just Ahead
Soon the time will come when all mankind will receive "the glorious freedom of the children of God". (Rom. 8:21) Submitting loyally to the direction of the Governing Body, the "great crowd" will experience a thousand years of peace and security, as the value of the ransom sacrifice is applied gradually to their sins by the anointed kings and priests Jehovah has lovingly provided. In time, the effects of sin and the curse of death will be completely removed. Truly, it can now be said that millions now living will never die!
How can we partake of this "glorious freedom"? Our loyal obedience will in no small way ensure our continued protection as part of Jehovah's organizational arrangement. In time, the anointed remnant will be raised to heavenly life and the Paradise earth will be fully realized. At last, we have received "the fulfillment of the promises"! (Heb. 11:13) How our love for Jehovah and our fellow brothers is greatly strengthened by this fact! May we look happily forward to praising Jehovah God, our Universal Sovereign, from now on into eternity!