Good post. I don't respect unsupportabe beliefs - I deride them, but no-one here will have noticed that
"I respect a person's beliefs"
by Phizzy 32 Replies latest jw experiences
Thanks Cantleave, give hell across the pond when you get there !
I take Torn's point about a face to face situation, and I am far too sensitive to the feelings of others to do anything different than torn did then, but what I would like to see is much more derision in the media, we have a lot here in the U.K, but not enough, and you have Bill Maher and others in the U.S, again not enough.
Satire and Humour are great tools against the bullies, that is why totalitarian governments hate them so !
I think Satire and humor are the only ways one might be able to 'deride' someone's 'silly' beliefs... without offending the person themselves. Some people have no problem laughing at themselves. Doesn't always work of course. The catch is that most of those satires are big e x aggerations and don't really represent the actual faith or belief. They just take the worst of the worst and make it as though that it what the belief is. Perhaps that is why it doesn't offend. Because it isn't a true representation.
Phizzy, I am going to an event organised by the Society of Cosmetic Scientists, 94% of them have already rejected myths and legends!
"Bible believing Christians really get on my nerves, but pagans do not. I don't know why, but they rarely irritate me, and always seem quite genuine and fun loving. Maybe I'm just prejudice. That's always a possiblity. ..." New Chapter, page 1
Naah, you're not prejudiced...
You just recognize the naturally fun-loving, easy-going nature of modern paganism...
"If JWs would eliminate their shunning policy, their no-blood transfusions dogma and waking people up on weekends, I would no longer have any issues with their religion. ..." Moshe, page 1
They'd also need to be prompt in calling the cops on pedophiles in their midst, offer full membership and participation to all the women in their organization [i.e., allow women to serve as MS, elders, Governing Body members], stop demonizing higher education, acknowledge that many of their "linchpin" dates are wrong - 607 B.C., 1914, etc, institute and actively operate VALID charitable services - ESPECIALLY for their own people, drop the hate-mongering and demonization of "worldly" people and those who have disassociated or have been disfellowshipped....
I could go on and on, but I think that gives people the idea.
People earn respect. Respect isn't something you should withold from someone just because they hold a belief you find silly. Calling out their belief is rude and insensitive to their entire life experience. Judge them by their character and deeds, not what they believe in. Tornapart's experience is a perfect example. If you give undue disrespect you will never learn what they have to teach you. The same goes the other way around too. However, if the person is just being led on a leash by a dogmatic religion, it might serve a purpose to expose the organization's hypocrisy, but never mess with faith just because you don't respect it.
"Judge them by their character and deeds, not what they believe in...." Sabastious
Ah, wait just a doggoned second...
A person's "character and deeds" ARE usually based upon their beliefs...
Sab, we are not talking about respect of a person here, but their beliefs. I have great respect for some people despite the fact I deride some their beliefs. I have a great deal of respect for the achievements for Mohammad Ali, probably one of the greatest sportsman of all time. I do not respect his religious beliefs.
This reminds of what my mother used to say in the door to door work, she would tell that person "we're not here to change your beliefs" . . .then what the heck are the Dubs doing every morning knocking on doors if they're not in the recruiting business ! ! THey lie directly to the persons face at the first meeting whether they're recepive or not!