It was really vivid. I was thinking about making it a book. A young adult book, actually. Haven't tried one of those yet.
I dreamed I went to Heaven.....
by Phizzy 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
still thinking
Not a bad idea....Will the winged creatures be the good guys or the bad guys? LOL
Good question ;)
TEC---WRITE THE BOOK! Remember, Twilight started as a dream, and like it or hate it, 5 books, 5 movies, merchandise franchise, millions of dollars. Write the book!
I didn't realize Twilight started as a dream. I know that James Cameron's movies (terminator for sure) were dreams. I think dreams make the best fiction because they kind of write themselves :)
I'll try. I have a couple other things I'm supposed to be writing, but best to strike while the iron is hot, right?
Peace both of ya!
I didn't realize Twilight started as a dream.
It did, and a lame dream at that when compared with yours! The only thing Meyer saw was an incredibly attractive man and an average looking young woman in a meadow. That's it. It grew from there. This stay at home mom wrote through her kid's swimming lessons, and all the endless tasks she had to do, and just kept writing. Now they are millionaires. I'm telling you Tec----your dream is really vivid and layered. Just write. Don't worry about grammar and puncutation, just write and go back later. While you still feel it in your blood---before you lose the sense of it.
I also have a short story that was inspired by a dream----it changed a great deal and turned into a very different story, but the tone was there---NOW a character that I started playing with has matured in my head into a really intriguing character (unreconizable from the short story or the dream) and I'm getting ready to insert her. All from a dream. Who knows how much this dream will yield in the end.
Write it.
You are putting that fire in my belly, NC. I know you know what I mean! If I didn't have to go back to work, I'd start right now. I'll brainstorm when I get home.
((((NC and Still))))
Well if you work on a computer at work---uhm---not that I would want to lead you down the path of destruction----but I was known a time or two to open a document and just spill on the screen. Nothing really readable, just ideas that wouldn't let me concentrate on work.
I would, lol.. but sadly no. I'm a server/bartender. When I wrote my other books I used to have to stop to go to work, and I would just work on automatic, because my head was in my characters. The benefit of being with the same company for more than a decade ;)
wha happened?
Never dreamed about going to heaven. I did dream back in the day about what my perception of the new system would be like.