Exit Strategy - My plan to leave

by FrankWTower 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • FrankWTower

    I've been intellectually awake for about three years now. It's taken me time but I've figured out an exit strategy to leave the JW's as frictionless as possible. It's impossible to leave with my dignity in tact but, leaving will be worth it. It won't be easy, but I can do it. Here goes:

    I'm going back to school!

    I'm going back for a bachelor's degree. I will start at the local community college for an associate of arts degree, which transfers to a 4 year university for a bachelor's. The community college has a more flexible schedule, offering evening and some online classes.

    Going back to school as a non-JW will allow me to do some of the things I never had the chance to do in high school. Like making friends with non-jw's and dating classmates. I've thought about dating a "liberal-minded" JW and trying to turn her later on in the relationshp (perhaps after marriage), but it's risky.

    Going back to school will hit several birds with one stone. Finding friends outside the organization, finding a girl with an open mind, edudcation for a career (which I never got as a JW), and maybe getting me dfed for a "sin" less hardore than apostasy. My family will eventually get over it, I know this for a fact ;-).

    It can take me up to 8 years to fininsh my degree, but I still have most of my life ahead of me, and it's damn well worth it.

  • sabastious

    Great plan! I wish you luck.


  • baltar447

    Yeah, I'd stongly discourage marrying or dating while you're still in. Incredibly bad idea.

  • baltar447

    Marrying or dating a JW that is.

  • cheerios

    good for you! i got my degree after i left. college: an amazing experience. after college, the witlesses and their pathetic excuse for a spiritual paradise seem so incredibly arcane and small ...

  • ABibleStudent

    Great plan FrankWTower, except for marrying a JW. Enjoy your life as much as you can away from the WTBTS and JWs.

    If your parents give you any grief about going to school, tell them that you what to be able to raise a family and help them in their old age, because the WTBTS changed its generational teachings.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Kojack57

    Frankwtower: Go for it, if you don't, you will regret not taking advantage of an education. My older brother who was in the military and became interested in the BORG not knowing all the facts, eventually became an elder. As time went on he decided he wanted to use his G.I. Bill to go to college.

    The brothers discouraged this and told him if he did he would be removed as an elder. Well he conceded and he has been regretting that decision ever since and he's pissed that he allowed them to control his life. He knows the truth about the truth. So he advises all jdubs to go to college.

    Be all you can be,so you can let them see,your not drinking that nasty kool aid anymore. God speed!!!


  • tootired2care

    Great plan, please let us know how it turns out. Soon I'll need to start filling in the social gaps after I leave.

  • Morbidzbaby

    I think this is a sound idea in all respects. Good luck with everything!

  • cantleave

    It doesn't matter how you do it - just get out and live your life.

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