I have an ad on Craigslist, someone responded to my ad. She knows the neighborhood pretty good and we already traded some pics, but I have the feeling that she is a scam artist. She only send me half of her face(nice mouth and teeth but not her nose, eyes, hair) and a very nice body. She was wearing Pink Shirt and Beige Shorts. I will not post the pic here, she might be real after all. I put her picture at TinEye to see if the picture is a fraud or not, but nothing came out of it. Is there any way to prove that she is a scam?
She might be a scam artist
by Iamallcool 35 Replies latest jw friends
Iamallcool - might I suggest that you need to get out more?
Perhaps - the local watering hole on ladies night?
I am a member of one group at www.meetup.com and I have dated few of them from the meetup.com website, but nothing came out of it. The reason why I am having hard time is because I am pretty picky. Most of the females that I meet have pets and I am looking for someone that does not have pets since I am allergic to pets. I will keep your suggestion at mind though.
You met someone on Craigslist that is possibly a scam artist?
Wow. I *never* saw that coming.
I have seen it coming many times, but she knows the neighborhood pretty good, I am not so sure about this person.
Trust your instincts. If this feels funny it might not be the situation for you.
Sorry I forgot to put in the sarcasm smiley.
She only send me half of her face(nice mouth and teeth but not her nose, eyes, hair
So what you really meant to say above is "not her nostril and eye"
I cannot even see her nostril and eye in the pic. She might be a good tease. I do not know.