Recently heard rumor, can anyone substantiate?

by baltar447 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I would say that more congregations today are dissolved for financial reasons. In the US the WTS cannot takeover a local congregation financially unless it is dissolved...WTS = parent nonprofit corporation, congregation = local non-profit corporation. I know the WTS tries to get the congregation to do this voluntarily but some BOEs "rebel" and the WTS can replace those elders with those who are more cooperative.

    If it is for doctrinal reasons, I doubt that happens much any more since the WTS has set up the non-profit sequence legally in the congregations. Also for a BOE or a congregation to challenge the WTS "scriptural" authority, even if they are wrong, is a one way trip out of the organization. I have known of 2 congregations that did this and all those involved were df'd and the congregation was dissolved and re-established years later with people that knew nothing about the situation. The WTS keeps things close to their vest and are not above casting out their own rumours to muddy the waters.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    I know the WTS tries to get the congregation to do this voluntarily but some BOEs "rebel" and the WTS can replace those elders with those who are more cooperative.

    Blondie's right.

    Just Remove Them available at:

    Marvin Shilmer

  • blindnomore

    Gilead school has replaced it for a school for trouble shooter elders for troubled congregations. Must be a reason?

    The entire circuit in this area is corrupted by one elder. The man has been holding the most prominent position in the circuit for last 10 years. More than 100 people fled to neiboring congregation in seeking refuge during his first 7 years of rule. He turned the congregation from the largest booming cong to a dying dread cong in the circuit. And yet no circuit overseers that have been in and out for last 10 years seem to notice it. He df'ed more people and cause more sorrow and pain to many. The man black mails his innocent victims. He controles the entire elders in the circuit. Every Coordinators of the most congregations in the circuit are worshipping this guy as Moses. Rank & File are living in dread not knowing which one of them will be the next target. Some elders in the circuit know this disguised as an angel of light's true identity but go along with the man in fear.

    Malicious Slandering, witch hunt, horrendous gossiping, brown nosing, drinking party, evil scheming, lying and manuplating, morbid dread, etc are only existing truth among them. The evidences are every where and can be seen so clear by every R&F but COs.

    Numbers of Letters has been sent to the WTS. People has been crying for relief from the tyranny for years. It may well finally the GB is awaring of existance of rampant corruptions of their elders in local level.

  • ziddina
    "The WTS keeps things close to their vest and are not above casting out their own rumours to muddy the waters. ..." Blondie, above

    What Blondie said...

    "The WTS....are not above casting out their own rumours to muddy the waters..."

  • JakeM2012

    Blindnomore says, "Malicious Slandering, witch hunt, horrendous gossiping, brown nosing, drinking party, evil scheming, lying and manuplating, morbid dread, etc are only existing truth among them."

    Those were the day's my friend,

    we thought they'd never end,

    we sing and dance forever and a day,

    We'd live the life we choose

    We'd fight and never lose,

    For we were young and sure to have our way,

    La, La La La, La La......

  • JakeM2012

    Just another random thought,

    I remember when young after 1975, Circuit Overseer, Brother Frank Spaciel, came through on his congregational visit and not one elder showed up for his Thursday night meeting. This was before the time they started changing the congregational meeting times to suit the CO. All the elders had heard Frank's hate before and remembered it. "Evidently", miraculously each elder had problems on their job on Thursday afternoon and could not attend the meeting. My father was one of them. Frank Spaciel looked around and saw that no elders were there and he loaded up for bear, breathing fire and brimstone like he had always done before, threatening from the platform to dissolve the congregation. As a young person this really concerned me. I thought that as a congregation we had committed the unforgiveable sin against the Holy Spirt. I could always tell when the CO was a jerk, because Dad seemed to sit at the table reading his equipment magazines and drinking a whole bottle of wine. Drink, rip a page turning it, drink, rip a page turning it.

    The borg can't just threaten without occasionally dissolving a congregation, they have to maintain the threat. In other words; the "beatings will continue until the moral improves":)

  • blondie

    The WTS had its way of dealing with problem congregations. There was one in rural Pennsylvania, close enough to Brooklyn Bethel to have speakers down for the weekend. It was one of those small congregations made up of two families, all vying for control. It got to the point that no one went to the meetings and headquarters sent in a special pioneer couple and appointed the husband the PO (COBOE). They went to the meetings and the 2 of them did the parts alone. No one else came. They made calls on all the elders (or tried) and some older jws. The congregation members were told the congregation would be dissolved and those who cared to would have to drive 50 miles one way to attend another congregation. Now that congregation had had feuds going on for years, but as long as they paid on their WTS mortgage, this was overlooked. But when then stopped paying, the WTS then took action. The congregation was dissolved, the building sold and any remaining jws had to travel quite a ways.

  • blondie
  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    @ Jake, never seen an entire body avoid the meetings during a CO visit, only two or three of them. Your elders were courageous to make their stand, we needed more brother like them. Thanks for that story, puts faith in me, that a group can force change, but it takes time and good elders!

    @Blindnomore, I know a brother who has done the very same thing, he has the education of a six grader. He is loved by the Society because he never says "No" to them. Mongrol with his Jezebel wife are poison to weak ones, the duet control an entire body of elders, whether they admit it, or not. They obey this man's very will, he is allowed to do his own thing, while low testastorne elders cringe in fear, with their piss puppy characteristics, the smart ones who have some dignity, move to another Hall after suffering from shell shock.

    He pushed, or forced the donation issue, every meeting for months, he wanted to "hawk" the congregation clean state into debt! "We must pay for those who did not save money for their retirement, or work a job with healthcare of pension benefits, we owe them a living!" He harrassed the congregation relentlessly, anyone with questions about this great undertaking, were lambasted (nice way of saying, ripped into an asshole, how loving?) back into their seat. All their good physical works must offset all their wicked acts, hammering people who talk about the congregation pedophile, yelling at brothers who disagree with his lopsided business prowess. Brother Mongrol surrounds himself with his henchmen, the former disfellowshiped and neutered wannabee elders, who will never be elders, because of not "abhoring what is wicked!"

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    @Blindnomore: The Society appears to wink at bad man, as long as they are performing their "Call of Duty" to the Slave. I have seen too many cases of blatant evil conduct, as you talk about go unresolved or lose good sheep. The so called " trouble shooters" are soon assimilated into these dirty dens of snakes, or might quit the Org, depending how much time they have left to retire!

    How could the Society lose so many of their brilliant members like Ray Frantz, DogPatch, Marvin Shilmmer, Blondie, Billytheex, Terry, James B from Texas, Ed Dunlap, Lady Lee, New Chapter, Ray Publisher? I have pondered if they (Watchtower) had promoted a love and kindess with a wonderful community, and did implement it into their Kingdom Halls throughout the Western Hempshipere, would JWN have the large numbers of members?

    "Malicious Slandering, witch hunt, horrendous gossiping, brown nosing, drinking party, evil scheming, lying and manuplating, morbid dread, etc are only existing truth among them. The evidences are every where and can be seen so clear by every R&F but COs."

    @blondie "The Slave closes the barn gate, after the cows have left the farm!"

    They take action only when money is not being pumped into their World Wide Work. What a sad group with no insight into congregational affairs and disputes. They don't try to help, if you write the Org, they send your letters to the men who are making your life a living Hell!

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