It is harder if your spouse is still a jw and attending. My spouse stopped shortly after I did, no longer a believer.
But some elders and others made their obligatory phone call to our home, but we just let it go to voice message and after identifying who it was and not listening to their plea, we erased it. If they dropped by without checking if it were convenient, my hubbie would talk them through an open door leaving them on the porch (although one tried to push his way in after not being invited in). Keep it light, non religious, and short. No need to explain.
For about six months (we attended NO meetings), it was about one phone call a week, one drop by a month for about a year, then phone call once a month, drop by during the CO visit. Then nothing except one call once a year before the memorial. After 10 years, it has been over a year and no contact.
Of course, if jws live next door, or down the street, or staying in contact with jw relatives leads to situations where their conversation almost always starts out with the meetings. We kept our contacts with jw family to an absolute minimum as long as conversations started with that.
We found fun things to do on meeting nights and Sunday and Saturday mornings. We have no problem not answering the door when we see who it is (they can't see us).