On JWN the lurkers will discover many truths about the Watchtower Society and how they handle matters that relate to your current imbalanced spiritual state.
If you think your letter you are going to send to the Watchtower Society is going to do any good, WRONG! I know of only one case where some type of justice was received from the Watchtower Society, why was justice received? The woman who wrote the letter had been a very special pioneer, her letter was recieved and action took place. This caused havoc in the Kingdom Hall, a feud broke out "Those for Sister Special" and those for "The Elders against Sister Special".
Sister Special left to another Kingdom Hall with her elder husband, bitter with her entourage, they left the Hall in shambles for some time. She had won her battle that took a great toll on the Hall. She is one of the few who recieved any kind of justie (if you will call it that, leaving your long-time attended Hall, losing long-time friends and schizms of pioneers).
Now for the 99 percent of the other publishers, brethren who don't have political capital like Sister Very Special Pioneer. If you are complaining about a brother "making improper passes to you" where do you think those letters go to? The body of another Hall or Brother Lechure's Hall? Did you guess Lechure's Hall? Good Answer!
A letter about a lying and crooked overseer, who gets to intervene on those letters? (Quid Pro Qou) friends of the accused elder or an impartial body of elders from another area? Letters will go to your Body! You will get the chance to work your issues out with the brother who refused to behave, he will teach you, it's all your fault and the society will close their inquiry. Everyone is a happy family again!
What if one elder trys to stand up to the body, he believes your letter, most times he will be destroyed, labled a "rebel" and attacked by the Elder Body's henchmen. In my territory we have over twenty ex-elders who have been stumbled out of the 'Truth' by wicked men. What makes you think you have a case that merits the busy Slave's short attention span?
JWN, FreeMinds, and Facebook, Elihubooks are the only ways to force the Slave to protect the Sheep they claim to protect. If JWN, FreeMinds, ElihuBooks were not up and running, how much more dirty actions do you think would go unnoticed by the Organization. The members on JWN are doing you a service, whether you want to believe this, or not, you might not agree with the methods some members use, but remember "One Candle Is Able To Pierce The Darkest Night!"
You have many candles on JWN some shine, some twinkle and other flicker. What kind of candle do you want to aid you, in your night of darkness?