Hi friends, I have been reading threads on atheism and how they see life from their point of view. I must admit some of the points that you (atheists) put forth have given me something to think about. I still have faith in God but let's say if I would like to do a research on atheism, where should I start? What books to read? Thanks in advance.
Atheists! Would like your suggestion..
by umadevi 21 Replies latest jw friends
It depends on your perspective on things; if you want a quick primer on atheist arguments you can read in one sitting i would recommend:
"Why i am not a christian" by richard carrier:
(or Bertrand Russels essay with the same title).
If you want something which is more a direct critisism of religion you should go for "God is not Great" or "The god Delusion", in particular the later. Just be warned that they are very in-your-face and not allways give the most persuasive argument. I have also heard that John Loftus book "why i became an atheist" should be good.
Arguably the most important argument for atheism is there are no persuasive arguments for God, in particular in the context of christianity (which i assume you imply) that there is no persuasive argument the bible is gods word or that god actually believe. Perhaps it would be better to focus on why you believe as you do and ask for particular book recommendations on those topics? For instance, do you accept evolution?
The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins
By the time I read this book, I was already atheist. The only problem was that I didn't really know how to articulate why. Sure, I could point out atrocities - by our modern standards - in the bible that were supposed to be god's way of doing things. It was easy to make the leap that based on our current understanding, the god of the bible was a reflection of perceptions that prevailed at the time of writing.
What I liked about The God Delusion was how Dawkins establishes that to be atheist is to not be constrained by the limits that religion places on one's thoughts and emotions. That there's nothing to be ashamed of in not believing in god or a higher power, etc. He sets out in the introduction that his aim in writing the book is "consciousness raising" regarding what atheism is and what it isn't.
If you like audiobooks, there is a version on audible.com that is read by Dawkins himself. I found that extremely helpful with the audio version because he reads it with emphasis where he means it to be, which can't always be relied upon by other narrators.
The God Delusion by Dawkins.
If you want to go the free route, you can check out Austin Cline's web site at About. http://atheism.about.com/ This is probably the most thorough web site I know, but Austin can be a tad dry and sarcastic at times. You might want to start here http://atheism.about.com/od/aboutatheism/u/AtheismBasics.htm.
Full disclosure, I've written some XJW articles for him too. http://atheism.about.com/od/jehovahswitnesses/Jehovahs_Witnesses_Watchtower_Bible_Tract_Society.htm
I think it's great that you approach atheism with an open mind. It shows you have some critical thinking skills.
And that's exactly where I think you should start. When I started having doubts about the WT's teachings, it was because I enjoyed watching science documentaries online and I became convinced that science is the best method to learn about the universe and everything in it. So I thought, what if I applied a scientific method of learning to my religious beliefs? And lo and behold, Neither the WT or the bible itself can stand up to scrutiny. They fall apart when you look at them critically. You start to notice things you would never think of before.
The book I read which lead me to reject both the WT and the bible as the written word of god, was not an atheism book but a critical thinking book.
"Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Professional and Personal Life" by Richard W. Paul & Linda Elder, is what I read.
You can find it on Amazon for a reasonable price. Plus it's not the kind of book you have to hide from others because it's not controversial at all.
It doesn't have an agenda. It doesn't try to turn you into an atheist or to leave your religion for another or anything like that. Books on atheism written by atheists will present arguments as to why atheism is right and theism is wrong. So, they're biased. Books on atheism written by theists will present arguments as to why it's wrong, so they're biased as well. This book merely helps you to become a deep thinker. It will show you how to come to your own conclusion by sharpening your tool kit. It will change your life, whether you choose to be a theist or an atheist.
Hi Umadevi,
If you like videos, you can also pop over to youtube and just search for Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens videos. They are both well-spoken (and written) and you will find not only speeches but debates, which I find interesting.
They have both done a lot to make being an atheist 'okay' in the sense that we are often ostracized, not trusted, or talked down to. They have said, "Hey look, it is our reason, not some inherent evilness that led to this decision, and we actually have a right to speak up about it."
Lot's of people are okay with atheists if they are quiet, but somehow feel if we voice it we are being rude and disrepectful. LOL The WT even lamented that atheists were once happy to just be private but are now 'prosyletizing'. All that for just being our genuine selves and speaking freely.
Anyway. Lot's of great suggestions here. Have fun! The world is going to get so big!
By the time I read this book, I was already atheist. The only problem was that I didn't really know how to articulate why.
I know EXACTLY what you mean!
Can We Be Good Without God?, by Robert Buckman
Loved this book as well, because it dispells the myth that being atheist means being a morally bankrupt, selfish malcontent.
Another suggestion would be to watch some of Pat Condell's videos on YouTube. For example:
What Do I Believe?
What Have I Got Against Religion?
I enjoyed this one, written by a former Christian pastor.