World Could End Soon (Oh, Crap)

by metatron 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I hate gloom and doom but sadly....,0,6214500.story?page=2&sc=7369001384796169482

    This is no laughing matter. A major CME or flare could wipe out civilization by destroying power grids everywhere.

    This is why I get so angry about global warming hysteria - there are far more serious threats that could emerge in months, not decades ahead.

    I also understand that a small asteroid is scheduled to come breathtakingly close to hitting earth in two years. Where's the media? Filling pages with dog eating Obama or Kardashian nonsense?

    A prominent group of psychic remote viewers, formerly associated with the CIA and Defence Intelligence is flatly predicting that 95% of the human race may die. No joke. They have had some big predictions come true - but some that didn't.

    I hope exposure of these threats wake up officials in the US and Europe to prepare.


  • Captain Obvious
  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    A major CME or flare could wipe out civilization by destroying power grids everywhere.

    destroy power grids, not people. When the storm is over, peopl can rebuild

  • metatron

    Read the article. A 12% chance of a 'Carrington Event" is frightening.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I suppose I will for entertainment purposes.

  • tootired2care

    Oh that. Don't worry about it, God's will intervene, he has that angle covered already .

  • Zordino

    Power girds being knocked out... possible, billions of dollars in damage... possible. Most of Mankind being wiped out.... possible but not likely.

    Besides, Jayhoover built a water canopy to protect us. Oh wait... he got rid of that in order to drown 99.9999% of all Life back in Noahs day. Oh Oh... we're shit out of Luck then.

  • tootired2care

    Time to get NASA re-funded again, and build a bigger and better CERN 2!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I think it will make a great article in the awake

  • Finkelstein

    Nothing but overly dramatized and sensationalized hyperbole

    Interesting that people who were at one time associated with the JWS ( a Apocalyptic religious cult )

    are the same people who read these articles without any critical thinking to why these articles were written.

    They attract attention , the same way this poster tittled this thread topic. World Could End Soon

    Who says the WTS. doesn't damage people's minds !

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