Does God need humans and their organisations to speak for him?

by Fernando 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fernando

    Is God's word or message

    (the multi-ingredient "unabridged gospel" or "good news")

    which is hidden in plain sight throughout scripture

    (and which once even became flesh)

    his personal, final and ultimate communication to each (unresponsive) person on earth?

    If not, why is the Watchtower ruling religious clergy class so ignorant, contemptuous and fearful of this message, whilst claiming to be "publishers of the gospel"?!

  • NewChapter

    If humans didn't have organizations that spoke for this god----he would be----silent. Interesting.

  • clearpoison

    Nope, not at all. If he would like he could use stones to spread the word.


  • Joliette

    There is no way that God needs any organization to speak for him (I'm agnostic) but if god is real he wouldnt need a spec of dust human like me to speak for him. Of course I'm wrong (LOL).

  • Jeffro

    For as long as there have been superstitious beliefs about invisible intelligent entities, humans have always needed to speak on their behalf. This should not be confused for any 'need' on the part of 'god' or 'gods'. This is and always has been a 'need' of the humans wishing to assert their own presumed authority.

  • ZeusRocks

    Right on Jeffro. Don't think I could have put it better myself. Straight to heart of it.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    If jayhoover really is who he says he is than he wouldn't need my sorry ass now would he?

  • DagothUr

    Yes, he needs an organisation to speak for him. Also, he needs a lot of cash and property in order to perform.

  • MrFreeze

    No he doesn't... it's almost like he's not really there or something.

  • designs

    He use to use Thunder but no one could figure out what he was sayin.

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