You are obviously holding fast to Watchtower doctrines then if you belive Babylon the Great is Christendom and False Religion.
Is it the bit where the Merchants of the Earth weep and mourn becasue nobody buys Christmas cards afetr the fall that convinced you?
Now unless Jesus has a common insult that he uses on anybody he doesnt like, you can identify BTG from Jesus words to the Jewish leaders of Jerusalem in Matthew 23 where he accuses them of baring the blood of all those slain on the Earth, with Revelation 18, the last verse where it says BTG has the blood of all those slain on the Earth and the Prophets.
"Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who killed the Prophets", not, Rome Rome the one who killed the prophets.
I work in government, I can assure you religion does not any longer "rule over the kings of the Earth" and it probably hasnt done since the Middle Ages.
You know who rules Government?, Jewish banking, Barroness Tonge in the HOuse of LOrds for instance said, Both the Labour Party and the Conservatives are ruled by Israel"
Why do you think all our wars at the moment benifit Israel whilst they put us further into debt?
Jewish Banking, Rothschild said, give me control over the issue of a nations money, it matters not who makes the rules.
The whole worlds in massive debt, who do you think the worlds in debt to?, Martians? No, the international Zionist bankers, and they have the money to buy and to crash governments.
Revelation 18, which talks about economic collapse, makes far more sense now if it involves the demise of world banking.
I could go on about every other identification of BTG, being a Whore for instance, did you read all the scriptures in the OT where Israel and Judah are described as a Whore?
I will stop.