My best friend growing up who I met when we were in the 1st grade (no longer a JW) made a comment to me about this. "Exwhyzee....did you ever notice how so many of the kids we grew up at the Hall who's lives are now complete train wrecks? "
This past Monday I saw a headline about one of one of the kids I grew up with who was a shining star...go getter who would go out in early morning street witnessing on Saturday mornings and come back in time for the regular meeting for service having already placed dozens of magazines. He was the kid that Moms would say "why can't you answer or give talks the way "D" does? "
Apparently D crashed his car into a moving van. He stole the van from the man driving it and took off with the man's wife still in the passenger seat. The Police were behind him in a high speed pursuit until he lost control of the vehicle. The woman was badly hurt and was hospitalized with a broken leg and lacerations. The article said the driver [D] was arrested and the report said he was rambling on incoherently about his Herion addiction.
This is one of many examples I could tell you about where they not only leave the organization but they go out and become the extreme opposite of what they used to be. JW's would tell you that this is because Satan is working harder on ex JW's. I think it's becasue born in JW are often such misfits and have little or no real coping skills on the outside and are often disillusioned or consumed with guilt and fear based on the beleifs they often still hold even after they leave. They have had only the extremly wicked ones of the world held up as an example what is typical wordly behavior and they have such a low self worth because of leaving the "truth" that they head straight for things that are not worth having. It becomes a self fullfiling prophecy.