Check this out......
*** w871/1p.14“TheyWillBeCertaintoFightAgainstYou,butTheyWillNotPrevailAgainstYou”***
Deliverance has often come through being identified as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Because of the house-to-house preaching, people get to know who the Witnesses are and what their position is on issues of the day. In a small village in Peru, terrorists accused the villagers of having betrayed them. They rounded up the men of the town and put them in a line to be shot. (In similar situations entire villages had been wiped out.) But at this point, one of the terrorists recognized a brother and said to the executioners: “That man is not one of them. I know him to be a Jehovah’s Witness, and they don’t meddle in politics.” The brother was released. Certainly, Jehovah protects his own!
Now check this out...........
*** w034/1p.27MyShareintheAdvancementofGlobalDivineEducation***
When I arrived in Cape Town, I was shown 200 cartons of literature destined for East Africa. The literature was printed in four European and four Asian languages, but none of it was in any of the African languages. When I inquired why all this literature was there before I even arrived, I was told that this had been intended for Frank and Gray Smith, two pioneers who had recently gone to Kenya to preach. Almost as soon as they arrived in Kenya, both contracted malaria, and sadly, Frank died.