JW's fail to realize, most of their persecution is NOT from preaching Jesus message, it's from down right disgusting behavior from the GB who shows no remorse.
While GB Cry Apostate Persecution ,,,,,,
by mind blown 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals
So true. And if they were actually preaching Jesus' message straight from the bible, without adding to it, most of the JW "Apostates" wouldn't even exist.
wha happened?
That's the way it was under Rutherford. Act in a provocative manner, then scream persection
Bubblegum Apotheosis
" Just because your paranoid does not mean nobody's watching you!"
"JW's fail to realize, most of their persecution is NOT from preaching Jesus message"-- that is so true because they have so little to do with Him! Try to discuss anything with them and they will go back to Old Testament or some goofy wt doctrines.
" Why are Jehovah's Witnesses persecuted and spoken against????
Jesus told his dsciples : " You will be objects of hatred by all people on account of MY name." ( Mark 13:13 ) The word " name " here means what Jesus officially is, the Messianic King. Persecution comes because Jehovah's Witnessess put his ( Jesus ) commands ahead of any earthly ruler._____________Reasoning from the scriptures book page 207
Lets start with this Bible qoute
1 John 4 : 1 says : " Test the inspired expression to see whether they ( the WTS ) originate with God. Because many false prophets have gone forth into the world"
Now let's test to see if Mark 13:13 pertain to the WTS
" Jesus told his desciples : " You will be objects of hatred by all people on account of MY name.:"
But the WTS say's they are
"Jehovah's Witnesses : The worldwide Christian society of people who actively bear witness regauding Jehovah God."___________Reasoning from the scriptures book page 199
They say
" Jesus is offically the Messianic King" " This same Son, restored to heavenly glory, now rules as King, with authority___________reasoning of the scriptures book page 209
The WTS also claim that
" Persecution comes because Jehovah's Witnesses put his ( Jesus ) commands ahead of any earthly ruler"
What did Jesus command ????
Acts 1: 8 Jesus stated : " You will recieve power when the holy spirit arrives upon you, and you will be witnessess of me."
Does Isaiah 43:10 overide Acts 1:8 ????
No, because Isaiah made that quote before the birth, death , and the resurrection of the Christ. Jehovah gave his son the authority to command the disciples to be witnesses of himself
In 1931 Rutherford, tried to take that God given authority back from Jesus, by tellin' his follows to be witnesses of Jehovah
it is clear that the Witnesses are followin' man
A drunk one at that
Apologist, feel free to dispute me, bring it on
The WTS also wrote
" If someone say's :
Christians are supposed to be witnesses for Jesus, not Jehovah
You might reply : But here is something that may be a new thought to you. Of whom was Jesus the " Faithful witness " ??? "___________Reasoning from the scriptures book page 208
Lets see what the Bible say about " New thoughts"
Galatians 1: 8 " However, even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to you as good news something beyond what we declared to you as good news, let him be accursed."
The Witnesses are bein' laughed at because they are not preachin' according to the command of Jesus
they are a miss guided cult
Followin' a man who was drinkin' while readin' the Bible
I totally agree. It's the actions, not the teachings.
Good mornin' Blonde-moment
the WTS "teach" people that they should be witnesses of Jehovah
totally disregaurdin' Acts 1:8
Acts 19:17 " and the name of the Lord Jesus went on being magnified
Acts 19: 20 " thus in a mighty way the word of Jehovah kept growing and prevailing"
The WTS teaches that unless you witness in Jehovah's name his word will not be heard
One more tid-bit
Satan is pissed off at that " Goody two shoes " called Jesus
Satan offered Jesus everything in the wilderness
But Nooooooo, Jesus had to go and give man a chance at redemption
Now Satan has to dress himself up as the WTS, and convince folks
not to listen to Jesus in Acts 1:8