JW Study, close to baptism, begins to ask questions following our conversation

by uk_ex_jw 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • WTWizard

    I hope you manage to pull down this study before it becomes a witless. It is better to not become a witless in the first place, and easier to leave before committing.

    Unfortunately, there is so much pressure to commit before one is ready within the witlesses. In reality, one is ready to commit when they know all the facts about what they are renouncing, realize it is all rubbish, and what the rules are going to be. It isn't necessary to know everything (learning is an ongoing process), but there should be no hold cards in the hand of the religion before committing. Usually they are not fully aware of what is really going on, or they are given bad information to go by. The no cross referencing rule makes it even harder--you could find out that you are going to renounce your life, and everything worthwhile, only after you have committed.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Good job!

    Now let's hope it sticks.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Great job telling the truth. He probably won't contact u again though. he's giving the elders another shot

  • ssn587

    Years ago was able to stop a couple studying with info from old bound volumes. Then I told him to ask study conductor to show how imperial (that the term) proof that the society was chosen in 1919. And not to take the word of the elder but to show actual proof, well he did and he and his wife stopped the study as they couldn't show proof.

  • Knowsnothing
    imperial (that the term)


  • ABibleStudent

    uk_ex_jw - Does anyone have any advice for if they do?

    Hi uk_ex_jw, Great work!! Just keep planting seeds by asking those simple questions that you have been asking. Have you read Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control and "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves")? His last book may give you some more ideas about talking with the elders.

    Do you become an Ace or Super Apostate if you help 5 JWs to awaken?

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


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