In the congregations in my area there was an expression to the effect that 'there's counting time and then there's the way pioneers count their time'. The Watchtower's guidelines were pretty strict on when time could be counted. Some pioneers followed it and others didn't.
On particularly motivated young man comes to mind, he would work full-time or close to it and pioneer. I once asked him how many hours he expected to get on certain days and I knew that he was basically counting time from the moment he left the house until the moment he got home. I know others who counted their time from when they arrived at the service group even though Mother said in the Organized book that it should only be counted from the first door or possibly phone call.
Pioneers schedule their hours and get them on those days whether there are breaks or delays. I found ordinary publishers to be much more honest in their reporting.
It always puzzled me because here these pioneers are making such a show of their service to the Watchtower but didn't Jehovah know that they were cheating?