Those Canadians love their porn. They even put it on their money
by wha happened? 18 Replies latest social humour
Some people are offended?
C'mon Canada... don't stoop to our level. Be the cool kids on the block.
Of course it's offensive! To women who don't have that size breasts!
So naked breasts are pornographic? So the feeding mechanism for babies is porn? I don't see any erotic behavior being portrayed.
Ha! The US used to have a naked lady on a coin! guessed it....the puritans among us had it covered over.
You forget your WT scripture, blondie...
any visual that stimulates can be pornographic. So like a Sears catalog to a 13 year old, a half naked female on a bank note could be the gateway for the sexually repressed to seeking out even more stimulating visuals. Pretty soon, they're looking at Victoria's Secret catalogs, then *gasp* Playboy. One day they may even go so far as to watch Cinemax late night. To avoid the trapping of the devil's sly machinations to lure Jah's people away, one must shun the Canadian $20 bill.
Please send all the offensive $20 bills to me.
I am more concerned about the insidious manner in which the Harper government is promoting increased military spending and support of the US agenda, than I am about breasts on statues.
The Rolls-Royce Flying Lady mascot was originally a nude sculpture.
This was thought to be a little too erotic, so they sort of made her into a semi-nude angel.
Which is more appropriate for the Queen's radiator ornament.
UC, then I have to toss all my shoes, don't want to stimulate someone with a shoe fetish.............