I'm good.. working too much myself... going to the beach in a week Yes I will apply sun screen to my bald head
Just had jdubs at the door
by finallysomepride 17 Replies latest jw friends
Next time show them a printout of the 69 awake.. you'll see them run twice as fast.
thanks 81
i must remember to make a copy of that
Miracle Wheat I have admitted many things to my family
as to why I was a fool to fall for this cult.
But I still haven't had the nerve or strenght, to tell them I fell
for a cult that once sold Miracle Wheat
If my sisters don't find out for themselves, I will carry that part
wit me to my grave
I'm so shame
Then again, the bigger shame should be fallin' for a cult that let so many
die needlessly
twice you are so lucky took them 2 years to come round here and they never called on us.
i'm surprised that i'm not on their apostate list, as i have been so open to them about the jw bs for over 3 years now, ever since i joined here
I have often wondered about that myself
the stuff I show 'em is straight from their books
and instead of warnin' others, more come
and I hit 'em wit the same thing
Maybe it's because I wasn't baptised, were you a baptised witness???
yes I was (still is) baptised jw, faded