That is why i love science. Science is nothing but a systematic study of reality.
by Andrew Sh 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That is why i love science. Science is nothing but a systematic study of reality.
Its interesting you rejected evoluationary theory after you were "saved". Do you believe your being saved made you look at the evidence for evolution differently?
If all the evidence for evolution is smoke & mirrors, then already once in your life you adopted and fully believed a specific "believe-system" in complete error. Is it possible you are making that mistake in Christianity too? Would you be willing to be open to alternatives to Jesus and Chrisitianity, possibly resulting in your rejecting him?
(BTW, this sounds like the streretypical JW view of education: 90% of what it seems you were taught was evolution wtf haha)
Cofty - I'm sure you would agree it would be foolish for somebody to criticise Christianity if their information depended on books written only by opposers of religion. Even more so with science which is actually difficult to understand.
Fairy stories? - OK, so which books on Creationism have you read then Cofty? You have read some, else 'tis but hypocrisy(?)
Dark Angel - Thanks, but you would have saved yourself some trouble writing if you had just said you
1 - don't believe the Bible is inspired by God, and
2 - do believe life could have materialised from non-life by itself.
Simon17 -
"Its interesting you rejected evoluationary theory after you were "saved". Do you believe your being saved made you look at the evidence for evolution differently?"
Thanks for the question: Yes, of course:-
1 - I looked at the evidence against evolution presented by Creationists, not just at the one side of the story that up to then I had been fed with.
2 - I now had an alternative option.
3 - I no longer had to feel uncomfortable with the implications of believing the universe had been created by the God of the Bible. I had already submitted my life to Him. That is a problem which makes it difficult for anyone wanting to looked at the evidence in an unbiased manner.... if he/she is in rebellion against God, or has no consideration of the claims to worship from such a Creator God, then it is tempting to ignore the evidence/do an injustice to the evidence in support of such a God. Unbiased investigation becomes difficult to say the least.
Simon17 - You've already made one mistake. Is it possible you are mistaken again?
Good question, I'm tempted to say anything is possible, but, on reflection, Ithink it better to say, "no mistake this time". Its more true to reality.
Fairy stories? - OK, so which books on Creationism have you read then Cofty?
I've read loads of creationist writings Andrew. I was a creationist for the first 35 years of my life, I used to preach it with pride. I am thoroughly familiar with the minutiae of young earth, old earth, intelligent design and all the shades in between. I know all the arguments against evolution very well.
It eventually dawned on me that everything I thought I knew about evolution I had got from creationist sources. Once I found the courage to examine the evidence objectively I was humbled to discover how ignorant I had been all those years.
Now stop trying to evade my question..
How many books on evolution written by evolutionary scientists have you already studied? Can you tell us which ones in particular please?
A lot of this has to do with quality of evidence. Good books are well-presented ideas. They are at least three degrees removed from evidence.
I live in a beautiful, remote part of the world where rock strata expose their weft and weave up every mountain, where the Milky Way graces the sky every night.
The strata themselves speak of ages past, of great upheavels, fire and flood. There is precious little evidence of man save the very top scrapings. Here I picked up a rock with an impression of a Ginko Bilboa least 300,000,000 years old. I gazed up at the muddy footprints of dinosaurs past, preserved in stone.
The stars twinkle their age. The evidence? The speed of light.
I've endured videos and "evidence" of creationism. I can't bear to read any more. They all bear the unendurable mark of excuses. How can I tell? The fantastic shapes that are drawn as the believer tries to twist the evidence to fit.
Evidence is granite, brains silly putty. Beliefs must be shaped by the evidence, not the other way around.
Well now I'm honored! An entire thread based on one late-night-drowsy-half-hearted post. SUCCESS.
So by your own admission, (not that I believe it) the ancients had a simple theory of evolution and rejected it. So are you saying they had the truth of the matter, but Moses lied? So based on Moses's lie, you believe in creation? Or you don't believe in creation and believe the bible is wrong, because Moses lied. OR are you saying that evolutionary theory, even when it was a blastocyst, was false and Moses made the right choice?
And have fun on this thread, because you have bunk. Most of those who will respond to you believed in Genesis at one time---and then they educated themselves. You can't unlearn things. You should focus on those that remain ignorant to science. You will have more success.
Also----are you saying you DO believe in the flood? Interesting.
Also, my points on virginity and the limitations of this particular god. Do you think that female virginity was just more important to this guy, so he created a biological marker, and he was not too concerned about male virginity? I like my theory----because evolution led to a biological marker, humans could use that and make female virginity a commodity---which losing could bring the death penalty. They were limited by biology, and their god who supposedly created biology was limited too. Maybe this god just hates women. Or the men who created this god held women in disdain and convinced them it was love. LOL Love.
I love you sweetie. You're my child. Now shut up and stop whining while I stone you.
No wonder humans are so f**ked up in their relationships. They are following their god's example. Love means kicking the shit out of you. No one will ever love you like I do.
Is the Bible without error? The Bible is an error by today's standards.
Early wheels were made out of stone. We now have low-profile tyres on alloy wheels. If you want to keep up, I suggest you update your wheels.
3 - I no longer had to feel uncomfortable with the implications of believing the universe had been created by the God of the Bible. I had already submitted my life to Him. That is a problem which makes it difficult for anyone wanting to looked at the evidence in an unbiased manner.... if he/she is in rebellion against God, or has no consideration of the claims to worship from such a Creator God, then it is tempting to ignore the evidence/do an injustice to the evidence in support of such a God. Unbiased investigation becomes difficult to say the least.
Interesting. So scientists are biased in their evolutionary research because they don't believe in God and the Bible, which you have already admitted you have no evidence for, aside the extremely flimsy argument that other parts of the Bible are true so the rest of it might as well be too. But you are not biased in your decision making, despite having submitted to God in complete obedience and worship in exchange for everlasting life.
Good question, I'm tempted to say anything is possible, but, on reflection, Ithink it better to say, "no mistake this time". Its more true to reality.
So then, this is not really a discussion. When you asked "is the bible without error?" in the thread title, you're not really asking. You're telling us. The Bible IS without error, you have the absolute truth, and everyone else who doesn't share your unsubstantiated belief is wrong (and if they have evidence for their position, they are just being biased because they don't believe what you believe).
Did we ever get that link that proves some ancients believed in a simple version of evolution? The one that Moses actively rejected. (I'd like to know a link that also proves that Moses actually rejected such a notion, which I don't believe existed at that time, but if it did, it is more likely he'd never heard of it. They were rather ethnocentric.)
I'll be blunt. Dumbing yourself down, despite finishing a University degree, is not a reason to be proud. You have devolved.