So here I am! Libertad! Though my story is a bit more complicated than that. I live in Argentina. I was disfellowshipped almost a month ago. No more Kingdom Halls and turning in time, but more unfortunately, this leaves me with almost no family left! Well, you all must know how that goes. I’m not completely helpless though. My father lives with his second wife in the USA with their children – my three little brothers and sisters! My brother lives in London.
They left the religion long ago, but my mother, two older brothers, their families, and my grandparents are all still going to the Hall. But within Argentina, all I really have are friends. So I have this plan. It will sound stupid to some, but to me it’s worth a try. I really don’t want to stay disfellowshipped. I can do without the religion, but I do not desire a complete disconnect from most of my family. I spoke to the elders shortly before they disfellowshipped me, and they told me I must come to meetings and sit in the back, and in six months they can review my situation. Also I need to move out from where I live with my wild roommates and find my own place. And so today I made arrangements to rent a room from an older acquaintance. It’s not far from the Kingdom Hall, and I can make appearances there.
In little over a year’s time, I will go abroad to study. No one else knows this, but I do. I hope to get re-instated to the congregation, and then will go. That way my mother cannot check up on me and my service, but will still believe that I am in the Witnesses. I can then come back to visit and be a part of the family. Even if I decide to come back, I can always become inactive. That way they can still speak to me at least.
What a crazy religion! But you all know that.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas!