I've heard the same kind of thing from an elderly sister in a nearby congregation.
Is your 3-day Watchtower Emergency Kit all ready?
by FatFreek 2005 28 Replies latest jw experiences
@cantleave - So you take this serious like the JW son and are convinced you will be screwed?
FatFreek 2005
No offence Len, but your JW son seems arrogant and full of his own importance, a typical JW.
None taken. He's close to 50 years old and has made choices, as everyone has -- and must be responsible for what he says. If he sees this posting (there's a slight chance) he needs to take it as a wakeup call. Either he's running ahead, or certain local elders are running ahead. He needs to realize that his Dad (that's me) got his wakeup call by way of the 1975 yearbook and its attempt to preclude a massive escape of members by relating the 1925 date failure and how those early ones were to blame for "reading into" Watchtower statements as "definite" instead of "probable". He needs to realize that his father-in-law (now 77ish) sat with the other youngsters in Rutherford's audience at the 1942 release of the book Children. Paraphrasing, there were only months left before Armageddon and those youngsters at that District Assembly were urged to spend some 6 hours daily when they returned to their home congregations, talking and studying with their classmates and friends about that book and its glorious contents.
Not an excuse but Watchtower has taught them how to run ahead of themselves -- then deliver their half-baked apologies some years later. All under the ruse that, at least they were trying -- at least they were sincere -- but Jehovah decided to wait a bit longer for the last few that would be collected into his grand refuge. And isn't it wonderful that we waited on Jehovah?
When I posted this I didn't know for sure -- that perhaps there was some Service Meeting announcement where brothers were encouraged to put some notes in their margins regarding an Emergency Kit. Watchtower has been known to use the margin technique at Elder training classes. You know -- we're telling you something -- but if you divulge it to anyone outside this room, we really didn't say it. Cuz we didn't print it.
The witnesses here in Queensland Australia I know are buying caravans, stocking up on non-perishables and waiting for the call to 'head for the hills'. They are dead serious that the governing body will tell them when and where to run. So weird and cultlike.
When they discuss this event they refer to a drama a few years ago when Gods people had to flee because Jerusalem was about to be destroyed but it took decades and they had to wait on Jehovah but some gave up and headed back home to their jobs and homes only to be destroyed. So I get the idea that they dont believe it will neccesarily be a quick camp-out.
How can you trust the governing body with a decision like this when they have stuffed up so many times in the past?......CULT
This goes beyond JWs. The whole "preppers" movement is a similar mindset of end times hysteria.
So did WTBTS say anything about putting koolaid in the emergency pack? Cantleave, you don't need condoms if your going to be destroyed in three days. Think positive.
It's kind of funny, in a sad way, that some JWs are going to the kind of extreme emergency preparedness measures that you mention.
I suppose, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the Indonesian tsunami, major earthquakes, etc., that JWs are readying for the Great Tribulation™ - the WTS has always focused on the Composite Sign™ as pointing to The End™ being near.
I've never heard of it all happening in the space of 3 days though. That seems really strange to me - only 3 days of supplies, like water and food?? A 72-hour kit is what Emergency Preparedness organizations recommend, but for The Great Tribulation™?? Really??
Bubblegum Apotheosis
I heard someone say, he would be going door to door with his friends, carrying their AR-15s, 9mmS with 16shot clips, and other handguns, collecting other people's 3day supplies! Who is to blame?
Who will stop these bullies from Bullying the Bullies?
wha happened?
3 days of supplies? That's lame. The Israelites at least got Manna
Prob some jw somewhere is selling the emergency kits. There are a lot of survival groups popping up on the net. It really is common sense to have a few days of emergency supplies around. Disasters do happen.