New York Speaker Claimed "JWs Were The Only Ones Who Provided Comfort To 9-11 Victims"

by Bubblegum Apotheosis 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    Nobody has touched on this topic, or as far as I can see so. Our Circuit had invited a speaker from New York, during his visit, he related some interesting facts about our Organization. Brother "New York" shared with a meek audience, that "After the Twin Tower Bombing, eventually the agencies involved with security (Military, NSA. FBI, Pre-Homeland Security?) only gave Jehovah's Witnesses a "Return Pass", to share a message of comfort and hope, to suffing souls of this terible disaster. Christian and Jewish members of New York had failed to bring any kind of hope, or help stablize all these anxious souls."

    We all left that gathering with our heads held high, knowing that our religion was the only group who could explain the Bible! Looking back on that assembly, I now wonder what really happened. Were the Jehovah's Witnesses at Bethel, running to aid all the victims of 9-11-2001?

  • talesin

    "Liar, liar, pants on fire"

    Yes, it's been discussed, but it never hurts to revisit a topic that exposes them for the liars they are!


    EDIT: Or any topic, for that matter, as far as I'm concerned.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I lived downtown Manhattan in the East Village. My neighborhood was a staging area. It was the most residential neighborhood closest to the WTC. People I knew witnessed the planes going into the bldgs. Neighbors had to be hospitalized b/c of the trauma. I never heard the Witnesses helping anyone. It would break with Witness precedent.

    It infuriates me. Those who know the truth don't dare say a word. Does anyone think Guiliani and the feds would allow only Witnesses to minister? Somehow I can't see Bush-Cheney barking orders to get the Witnesses on the scene. I saw people volunteer and people crying b/c they could not volunteer b/c so many people were dead that assistance was turned away. If I were present in the KH, I prob. would have been arrested.

    Emotions are so raw ten years later that I could punch a hole in the wall. The Fire Department and NYPD both have inhouse chaplins. My memory is one of security such as I have never witnessed and never want to witness again. I could not go home until I showed the police proof that I lived in my bldg.

    I was within walking distance. Despite my curiosity, I stayed home b/c it was the best way I could help the rescue efforts. People who did volunteer are getting/have cancer. Right.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    JWs live for disasters. They thrive on the idea that the world is on the brink of disaster. While other religions were trying to wrap their heads around what had just happened on 9/11 and what they should do, the JWs were ready to rush out and declare that it was a sign of the Last Days. I heard that Bethel had provided some tools, and personnel had volunteered to help out with rescue efforts for some time. But as far as JWs providing much in the way of "hope and help"? Sounds like another JW urban legend that was fulfilled invisibly.

    The post 9/11 preaching was futile. There was no great influx of new JWs from their "message of comfort and hope." They were just peddling the same 120 year old message. Now 10 years later, WT is fleeing NYC.

  • linuxbob

    As a former EMT-D for NYC I find it hard to believe that anybody got a "Return Pass".

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    PS. The area was sealed from the Battery to 14th St. Union Square Park at 14th St. was the scene of mass prayers and public gathering b/c it was the closest anyone but nonessential personnel could get to the area. No police, fireman, doctor, etc. neighbor, acquaintance ever told me of Witnesses helping. In JW eyes, 9/11 was a wondrous sign of the end of the times. Bad evil NY getting payback from Jehover God.

    I remember the fire department with state troopers and special escorts bringing the bodies to the morgue at Bellevue. There was no Jehovah's Witnesses traffic lane. No one could drive. The island was sealed. Brooklyn people were trapped in Brooklyn. I was in the hospital. The staff spoke of commuting in from Jersey. They had special ids to get into the island. It was freaky for time b/c no one else was on the road.

    Al Sharpton was not allowed in but the Witnesses were. Tell it to the dead fire chaplin priest.

    Hopefully, they won't have any more ammo about the end times.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    This probably is another "Urban Legend" but this came from the Bethel Speaker, he insisted only "Jehovah's Witnesses were given clearance to comfort the workers, injured and officers keeping order". He was adament that Christendom and Babylon The Great provided no comfort, the military did provide! "Passes" for anyone but JWs to preach in the Restricted Zone"

    @bandontherun : Everyone would love to know the source of this story, we paid to fly out this Bethel Speaker "Arch Deacon" ( New Catholic Church Coding since Menlo Park) and now this might be a questionable source? Should we ask the "Pope" of Patterson, or have they stopped answering questions?

    With you being on the front lines of this disaster, you would have run into this group of preachers to all the victims of 9-11-2001!

  • Glander

    First I have heard of this boast in a public, sanctioned meeting. When did this happen? Can it be confirmed by willing witnesses or video, etc?

    This should be in the press/media --and the 9/11 anniversary is just around the corner.

    Over the top. That's why I am cautiously skeptical.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Didn't they lock the doors to those seeking help?

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Didn't they lock the doors to those seeking help?

    Now that would be more like the WTS that I remember.

    Think About It

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