slimboyfat - please can you humour me with the scriptural reasoning you refer to as the "dragnet parable"? I'm not familiar with that. If it's commonly used, I will study it for possible inclusion in my article. It sounds contradictory of the idea of all men from all backgrounds being equal before God. But then, since when did the Society's reasoning need to make sense?!
In saying that JWs "punch above their weight" I obviously don't refer to the political influence of the organization. I refer to their aspirations of being the only people to be saved when God intervenes at Armageddon. The publications lead one to the false assumption that Witnesses are far more populous than they actually are, making such a distinction appear almost merciful. Yes, the 0.01% statistic was recently touted in one of the publications, but it wasn't dwelled on at any length. When you pour over the Society's statistics (as I have done quite extensively recently) only then do you see how small the religion really is. 0.01% is almost nothing, just as 99.9% is almost everything.