Could you 'Wake Up Happy' if you were an active Witness, knowing what you know now? (A 2012 Convention invitation)

by ScenicViewer 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ScenicViewer

    A Convention Invitation

    I came home the other day and found an invitation to the upcoming District Convention in my door. I don't believe these are left in the doors of the general public, so a well-meaning Witness must have been thinking of me, even though I have not been to the KH in about 7 years.

    The leading question on the front immediately got my attention, and made my jaw drop a bit.

    I thought I would ask the forum,

    - Could you 'Wake up happy every morning, with positive thoughts' knowing what you know now about the Watchtower Organization?

    - What things would prevent that?

    - Did you ever wake up happy as an active Witness?

    My own answer to the 3rd question is that Yes, I did wake up happy at one time. I was in my 20s and very naive, knowing nothing about the true history of Watchtower, and believing everything I heard at a meeting or an assembly.

    "The former things will not be called to mind"

    Isaiah 65:17 is quoted in the tract. This concept, as it is applied by the Society, may be appealing to new ones, but as experienced Witnesses which 'former things' were you the most happy to leave behind?

    - The things you left behind to become a Witness in the first place, such as celebrating birthdays, honoring the cross, etc? (Feel free to add more.)

    - Or the things you left behind when leaving the Organization, such as the policies of disfellowshipping, denying blood products, looking to the GB as God's sole channel of light and truth, etc? (Add any doctrines, concepts, or policies that are meaningful to you.)

    Did you wake up happier then as an active follower of the Watchtower, or now as a former follower?

  • Iamallcool
  • ScenicViewer

    Hello AllCool,

    I get the same 'green' feeling.

  • LostGeneration

    What? No bait and switch with the "toes"?

  • LostGeneration

    Seriously though, I wonder if some of this is a preventative measure for those who have family that are out of the borg.

    What I mean by that is I asked my Dad one time what would life be like in the "New World" without his kids there, as we are both out. He kind of mumbled some excuse along the lines of this "former things not called to mind" bullshit. I don't like to argue doctrine with him, so I let it be, just like to drop nuggets like that in his brain when I have the chance.

    With 70% of kids leaving, it gonna be a pretty sad for survivors of the big A when their children get zapped. I guess if Jah is kind enough to completely erase their memory then everything works out a-OK!

  • ScenicViewer


    "...just like to drop nuggets like that in his brain when I have the chance."

    Tha't probably a very good idea. Most Witnesses are so closed-minded about their religion that a meaningful discussion is often not possible. Dropping a seed here and there is all one can do much of the time.

    (Regarding the toes comment, it appears they went for a different body part this year, and not from Daniel's image. The stomach. See Iamallcool's response. )

  • sir82


    That's the first time I've seen an "ad" for a "live play" on one of these DC invitations.

    Usually "live play" does NOT signify pre-recorded voices and amateur "spiritually qualified" actors wildly waving their arms.

    I wonder how well the "live play" will go over in England & Spain, where audiences (even JWs) regularly laugh at the accents in the recordings.

    There's something that sounds vaguely creepy about "waking up every morning with happy positive thoughts".

  • ScenicViewer


    I noticed that too. 'Live play' usually means with live actors with their own voices. As far as I know they have been called Dramas, and had pre-recorded voices. Now I wonder if they're taking a new approach.

  • puffthedragon

    Wow that invitation looks longer than the new WT & Awake!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The tract looks like an ad for the latest anti-depressant from big pharma. Take their newest pill and you'll be ready for a jazzy production number...

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