"If you consistently reject our message you will deserve the death our God brings upon you".
Is this summation of the JW preaching work fair?
by nicolaou 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sort of. What I have come to despise is how they really aren't up front about the true nature of their message. Of course I've learned that this is actually a cult recruitment tactic, and they have to lie up front or else their message of "Death to all except organization members in good standing" would automatically be rejected. Imagine a preaching work even less effective than it is now.
Instead they try to shove off some poorly written religious propoganda on an unsuspecting public. It basically is "Reject our magazines, and you deserve to die"
Yeah, that and...
"I really don't give a flying fig how you respond to my message. I'm doing this because 7 guys in Brooklyn told me I can have a pet lion in paradise if I do this."
dont forget: "when joohoover keels you, i will move into ur nice house"
Don't forget those like myself who actually at one time was extremely distressed that billions of people would die if I didn't go out and try and save them. Some JW's truly want to save people from destruction not just what they can get out of it. Even though misguided these minority JW's are at least doing it for the right reason.
wha happened?
well it reminded me of the Hank video posted some time ago.
Of course Nic, which message. It seems to change as time moves on
Well done "the crushed", I would imagine this includes rather a large portion of JWs, I actually like JWs, just the religion thats bad.
Towards the end of my preaching days, I strated to figure, maybe it was better for people if I didnt warn them, that way, if they died before the big "A", they would get a resurrection, whereas, if I warned them first, they wouldnt take any notice any way, as nobody does, but then when they die before the big "A", they dont get the resurrection.
So I figured out it was more life saving to not preach to them in the first place.
Basically, it is an extortion work. People that don't respond are threatened with death and destruction, and in the near future. Also, those who do respond but are not as active as they possibly can be. A fine waste of everyone's time.
Some JW's truly want to save people from destruction not just what they can get out of it. Even though misguided these minority JW's are at least doing it for the right reason.
Agreed. I've never doubted that many JW's are sincere, I know I was, that's why I became 'inactive' when my doubts reached a tipping point. But whether individual JW's are intellectually honest or not, the message they bring stills boils down to this offensive statement.
Or threat.
Sincere JWs preaching for the love of people? Yes there are quite a few. I wasn't one of them, even when I was a true believer I hated 'the service'.
I imagine if the society was to stop mandaory reporting of preaching time, abandon the pioneer hierachy and make it voluntary, numbers spent door knocking would decline by 90% at least.