I get it in the sense that i understand she had emotional problems . I dont get how the folks here are to handle that or know to treat her differently. Making fun of an obviously special needs individual in lerson is horrific. Its obvious. On a message board, where we have nothing beyond words on a screen to judge by, its unfair to say she was picked on.
She brought everything on herself and she wallowed in it. She was an abusive, childish, attention-grubbing, judgemental, sociopath with a persecution complex. You, james_woods, enabled and exused her behavior. Would you come to my defense if I called Mrs. Jones a "bitch" or said "FUCK YOU" to New Chapter? I think not. She told me I am incapable of love or feeling love because I'm not a Christian. I took great offense to this, but I was being "mean" because I was offended by her allegation. The N.drew fan club just enabled her behavior by saying that she's "brilliant" or "that's just the way she is". Bullshit.