Y'all are assuming I'm here for everything,....... well I wasn't around for a lot of it...
For that reason alone, perhaps it would have been wiser to not always come to her defense. Many times, the insults, name-calling and jabs from her were carried over from a variety of other threads. You didn't see all that was going on.
I have alot of free time on my hands, so I've spent more than the usual amount of time here. She went from thread to thread - baiting, goading and provoking.
Then when everyone had had enough of it, yes....I'm sure it LOOKED to you like the fight was unfair. But it wasn't. She was getting what she asked for - had BEGGED for - all day long.
This is not a therapists office where that is even remotely acceptable. This is a discussion board and we should not have to tiptoe around someone like that. Nor should be we be required to take abuse just because she is mentally ill.
Simon and Lady Lee both agreed. You are free to diagree wtih them and everyone here all you like.