What Do You Think is the Most OVERRATED movie?

by gilwarrior 41 Replies latest social entertainment



    Star Wars-The Phantom Menace (thanks, Ashi)
    shit yeah
  • morrisamb

    I hated the Phantom Menace but the English Patient even more..(except for the secondary story line with the french girl and the Indian)

    I loved Moulin Rouge

  • Thirdson

    American Beauty.

    I hated it. My wife liked it though. I wanted to see "The Cider House Rules" but she thought it might be too sad. I normally like sad movies (sad songs too) despite my cheerful and happy nature.


  • plmkrzy

    damn can't sleep

    GWEEDO "American HX" true that was a darn good movie I saw it several times. For some reason it didn't get a lot of attention. It wasn't really promoted enough. I kinda remember a bit of controversy around it, some feared that it would stir up or insight hate crimes.

    This one would be Most UNder-rated for sure.

    "Leathal Weapon 4 (the last one) I waited EAGERLY for that movie. Loved the first two. I think I sat thru 30 min. and couldn't take it anymore. I left. Hated it. The acting..the dialog...the looks..IT SUCKED.[>:(]

  • Abaddon

    gambler; you need your eyes or your TV fixed; 'Gone With The Wind' is in colour!!!!

    And I liked LoTR! I didn't think it was dull, and thought it did a good job working eleven hours of book (the length of the audio book) into under three hours of film. I have noticed however that people I've spoken with about the film who've not read the book don't like the film, and most of those that have read the book liked it (although I'm sure you've read LoTR Mommy D, so it doesn't automatically follow).

    I did kind of think what would have happened if they had done an ultra-close-to-the-book serial adaptation, but that would have just ended up like a bad 'The Knights of Tara' or somesuch.

    As for most over-rated movies... yeah, Titanic, JurASSis Park sucked too. And any movie where people walk into a dark room having heard screams without turning the lights on sucks automatically...

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • larc

    For those of you who voted for the English Patient, I am with you on this one. It got such aclaim, and I thought it was awful. When my wife and I left the theatre, I asked her what she taught. She said that if she had seen it alone, she would have walked out in the middle. The movie had great panoramic photography, but that doesn't make a classic in my book. The story was terrible.

  • Angharad

    I agree with the Woody Allen thing, he is one of those actors I just cannot watch as he irritates the hell out of me!

    English Patient What story Larc???

    Have to disagree with Moulin Rouge I loved that, especially Ewan McGregor.The music was great too.

    Jurassic Park I, the film was ok but the ending was crap.

  • Rummy1

    The Way Of The Gun....I walked out after about 55 mins
    The Paper
    Phantom Menace waste of a fiver
    The Others absolute pap
    The Kid
    The Madness of King George

  • Englishman

    Pearl Harbour.


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • MegaDude

    I loved "American Beauty." Maybe because the film dealt with people breaking down the psychological walls that imprisoned them no matter what the cost. It reminded me of breaking out of the Borg. Kevin's wife in that flick reminded me of my ex. LOL! The scene of the boy and his girlfriend watching his film of the blowing bag in the wind moved me.

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