I didn't buy into it all the way. The paradise pictures always seemed way too sappy for me. Everyone smiling too much, playing with pandas and tigers....nothing as it should be in nature. Why was it always spring? Why did everyone wear such ugly clothing? Where were the factories to make their ugly clothing and shoes and house parts? And who was working in those factories? Whoever was working in those factories wasn't playing with the pandas. I guess it was my skeptical nature but I never, ever visualized paradise like this. I asked my fiancé if it wasnt real to him either, has said no. So I did not knock on doors or anything I did for the paradise, but because I wanted to be a good daughter and not disappoint my parents. I figured if there was going to be a paradise, it was a lot more like life now than in the pictures. But never wanted to be ruled by these 'earthly princes'. What a nightmare, forever! To be under the control of elder types!!