My weak grasp of mathematics leads me to say that the chances of a number like 777777 coming up on the Lotto are
JUST AS GOOD as any other combination.
Having said that....those chances are--stated another way---vanishingly small. The chances are so slight, you're actually wasting a dollar1
I once opened the glove box (do they still call that compartment in a car that??) in my wife's vehicle and about 600 worthless lottot tickets
plopped out. "Don't you wish those were dollars instead of of lotto tickets?" I asked smugly.
This puzzled me so much I just had to follow up with a dazzling question: "Why not?"
My wife replied, "The hope I held of being rich was well worth more than a dollar to me."
Well, I'm sure an analogy could be made here about Pascal's Wager and all that rot....but, I'm going to take a nap instead.