Online version of "Reasoning from the Scriptures" has deleted preaching reference to Muslims
by jwleaks 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
Has anyone studied the entire online version to see if there are any other changes from the published version? -
Has anyone studied the entire online version to see if there are any other changes from the published version?
A good place to start would be doctrinal teachings. These are always changing. I'm going to check up on "Rapture".
The online version of "Reasoning from the Scriptures" has deleted the entry under "Conversation Stoppers" for when someone says "I'm a Muslim".
The new response is to run away, waving your arms screaming "don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me !!!"
Quick read on "Rapture". No changes there. But I did find this question:
Will faithful Christians perhaps be taken to heaven secretly, simply disappearing from the earth without dying?
After citing two scriptures they questioned/reasoned:
So death comes before one receives that spiritual body, does it not?
The argument appears to be that the anointed must die before going to heaven, which is what was taught when the Reasoning book was first published.
That teaching has just been changed in the July 15, 2015 issue of the Watchtower Will There Be a 'Rapture' of the Anointed During the Great Tribulation?
15 Does this mean that there will be a “rapture” of the anointed ones? Many in Christendom believe, according to this teaching, that Christians will be bodily caught up from the earth. Then, they expect that Jesus will visibly return to rule the earth. However, the Bible clearly shows that “the sign of the Son of man” will appear in heaven and that Jesus will come “on the clouds of heaven.” (Matt. 24:30) Both of these expressions imply invisibility. Additionally, “flesh and blood cannot inherit God’s Kingdom.” So those who will be taken to heaven will first need to be “changed, in a moment, in the blink of an eye, during the last trumpet.” * (Read 1 Corinthians 15:50-53.) Therefore, while we do not use the term “rapture” here because of its wrong connotation, the remaining faithful anointed will be gathered together in an instant of time.
Simon - The new response is to run away, waving your arms screaming "don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me !!!"
According to JW theology, Islam, like Catholicism, is a disease run by false teachers under the control of the great apostate Satan.
Running away screaming "don't kill me" would be quite fitting if you applied the following when a householder says "'I'm a Muslim and support the Islamic State".
How can we protect ourselves against false teachers? The Bible tells us exactly what to do. (Read Romans 16:17; 2 John 9-11.) The clear instruction in the Bible is: “Avoid them.” That means that we have to stay away from them. The warning from the Bible is like a warning from a doctor who tells you to avoid a person who has a disease that may spread to others. The doctor knows that if you get this disease, you will die. His warning is clear, and you will do what he says. The Bible says that apostates are mentally diseased and that they use their teachings to make others think like them. (1 Timothy 6:3,4) Jehovah is like that good doctor. He clearly tells us to stay away from false teachers. We must always be determined to follow his warning. - The Watchtower (Simplified), July 15, 2011
The online version of "Reasoning from the Scriptures" has deleted the entry under "Conversation Stoppers" for when someone says "I'm a Muslim".
..................... Muslim Conversation Stoppers,for Jehovahs Witnesses..
......Stay Quiet and You`ll Be Alright............................I`m Good With That..
I notice that in the section under "Jehovah's Witnesses" in the part on the last days it still mentions that some that were alive in 1914 will still be alive to see the end of this system of things.
Therefore it must be very close!
To establish common ground, you might say: "lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāh, muḥammadun rasūlu-llāh"
Reasoning from the Scriptures, revised edition?
When going door-to-door and a householder informs you s/he is Muslim, the right thing to say is,
"That's fantastic. I've been searching for the Truth for years. Where do I sign up!?"
Sign up, go back to the car group of JWs, and say, "That was so close - even closer than the end!" Speed off and never, but never return to that territory. It is tainted in equal measure by your cowardice and reality acceptance. And you thought apostates were the hardest group to reach!
BTW, having worked in Malaysia a few short years ago, each Muslim household has an identifiable symbol on the front door, so it is easy to distinguish from other groups. Still, religious groups are not allowed to go door-to-door, but - here's the funny thing - Christians preach among themselves and to Hindus - but with much, much more subtlety.